What can I not eat if I catch a cold?

Don't eat eggs when you catch a cold

Many people think that eating eggs when a fever is sick is not only light and easy to digest but also nutritious and beneficial to restoring health. However, this is unscientific. Fever patients eat eggs, the body will increase the heat, because the heat can not be distributed, as "fire" will burn even more powerful.

Physicians said that eggs are indeed rich in nutrition, but should not eat during fever, especially fried eggs or scrambled eggs.

Eating eggs exacerbates fever

Because eggs contain mainly egg proteins and oocytes, they are a complete protein and 99.7% of them can be absorbed by the body. After eating eggs will produce a certain amount of extra calories, so that the body heat increased, exacerbating fever symptoms.

2. Avoid drinking tea

As for the problem of catching colds that cannot be eaten, strong tea is also required to be banned. Drinking strong tea during this period will cause the brain to remain in a state of excitement. In this case, it will lead to an increase in pulse rate and blood pressure, which in turn will cause the patient to have elevated body temperature and irritability. Not only that, drinking a strong tea during colds can also affect the decomposition and absorption of drugs and reduce the efficacy of drugs.

3 avoid cold

During colds, all cold foods should be avoided. Among them, cold drinks need to be paid attention. This kind of food is not only cold, but also can not guarantee the health and safety. If the disease is caused by infectious diseases such as bacterial dysentery caused by unclean foods, the function of the gastrointestinal tract will be reduced. At this time, drinking cold drinks will not only worsen the illness, but also lead to deterioration of the disease and even life threatening.

4. Avoid honey

If you have a fever when you have a cold, the diet at this time must be focused on lightness. Remember not to overdo it. Many people will drink honey water when they catch a cold. This is very wrong. Excessive use of honey will cause the patient's internal heat to not be well cleaned and eliminated, and it will also induce other illnesses.

5, not eat the river

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6, do not eat persimmon

The nature of persimmons is cold and astringent, and it has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening, but it is not suitable for cold-cold groups. If you eat more, it will be easy to pick up evils, delay the recovery of the cold and aggravate the illness.

7. Avoid parsley

For people with colds, parsley must be avoided. When we have a cold, we all have different levels of qi deficiency. The parsley can be scattered and if it is eaten at this time, it will consume air damage, which will increase the number of colds. degree. Not only people who catch a cold can not eat parsley, and people who are prone to catch cold should also keep a respect for the parsley, so as not to cause or aggravate qi deficiency.

Experts pointed out that patients with post-partum, post-illness recovery also often have a certain degree of qi deficiency, so they should also avoid eating parsley.

8. Avoid spicy food

During the cold, the body's temperature will increase, and the body's metabolism will also increase faster, this time should avoid eating all spicy food. For example, hot and spicy foods such as ginger, garlic and chilli will eat hot and help increase heat, which is not conducive to fever and early recovery.

9, do not eat duck mutton

Because the cold is an exogenous disease, treatment should be based on evacuation. The duck's nature is cool, it is greedy and stagnant, and it is easy to get rid of stomach and intestinal evils. The pork is fatty, it helps the wet oysters, and the moving wind contains moisture. The mutton is warm and warm, and it is warm and warm, and there is a combination of evil and evil. Cons.

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