How much olive oil is suitable for daily consumption?

Many people have a misunderstanding that good things should eat more and eat as much as possible. Olive oil is not the case? Some people in their daily lives not only cook their meals with olive oil for each meal; they also drink olive oil directly. This is the right amount of olive oil to eat.

According to nutrition experts, edible oil is the main channel for the body to absorb fat. 70% of the body's daily fat content comes from edible oils. What kind of cooking oil should be selected should be considered more from the perspective of dietary nutrition. The nutritional value of oil depends on the amount of unsaturated fatty acids. The more unsaturated fatty acids, the higher the nutritional value. In vegetable oils, soybean oil, corn oil and sunflower oil contain high unsaturated fatty acids, while cottonseed oil, sesame oil and peanut oil contain relatively less unsaturated fatty acids. Olive oil contains many unsaturated fatty acids, so the nutritional value is higher than the normal edible oil content.

In other words, the amount of olive oil consumed is generally just or even less than normal edible oil. The more olive oil is, the better! The amount of fat we eat every day can only account for 20% to 30% of the total energy intake, while the amount of fat consumed by the elderly is 25%, which translates into the unit of weight, which is 20 - 30 grams, which means that an adult can eat olive oil no more than 30 grams a day.

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