How to raise stomach in the winter is very important

Modern people are omnivorous, and their stomachs have not become stronger. They have become more and more vulnerable. Many people like to call friends in the evening, meet in the evening and treat their exhausted body. As everyone knows, this is not a good time for nutritional supplementation. “The better you eat, the more your stomach will be guilty.” Now that the winter has not yet arrived, the weather has begun to slowly cool. As the weather turns cold, many people not only welcome their cool seasons but also have stomachaches. Many people suffer from stomach problems because of increased mental pressure and irregular diet. Although it will not affect our lives at ordinary times, it will happen in the winter due to the weather. So, how can we ease the onset of stomach problems in winter?

Yangwei Tips
First, develop good living habits: eat less, eat only seven meals full. Eat well in the morning, eat at noon and eat less at night. Avoid overeating.

Second, change the eating habits: eating on time, sitting and eating do not stand or squatting. Stop eating spicy, fried, smoked foods such as barbecue, etc., do not eat sour, too cold and other irritating foods, do not drink, drink less tea, coffee and so on. Eat more vegetables and crude fiber foods such as celery, mushrooms and so on.

Third, active therapeutic and massage health care: lamb, dog meat and other warm foods have a stomach effect suitable for cold illness; garlic disinfection can help eliminate inflammation, it is recommended to eat; other wolfberry, white fungus, red dates, walnuts can snack or into dish. After meals, you can heat your hands and go around the navel as you move around the clockwise circle for 64 laps. Finish hot hands massage the lower abdomen.

Recommended 10 kinds of spleen and stomach food.


Sweet, flat, lung, stomach.

Role: Bufei stomach, Sheng fluid, Run large intestine. Appropriate to yin deficiency stomach pain, Tianjin deficiency constipation; modern for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease, habitual constipation. Diarrhea, spleen deficiency syndrome, wet syndrome were not eaten.


Porridge is easy to digest, especially the eight-treasure porridge, which contains peanuts, almonds, sugar, etc. The calories are richer and more abundant, which is good for the stomach. Fresh peanuts are rich in protein and fat and can effectively protect the stomach. Determine the suitable breakfast food for stomach, there are three principles: easy to digest, anti-irritant, and more nutritious. Such as: egg tarts, egg soup, boiled eggs, soybeans, soy products, vegetables, fruits and so on.

Soup water

It is not porridge but broth rather than broth. The broth also contains a lot of acid, and the soup is better. What spinach, fans, and eggs are all on. Add some chicken seasoning.

Staple food

The most stomach-enriching is noodles. Rice contains more acid, so eat less rice. If porridge is congeeed, put less soda in it will be good for the stomach. The other is cookies.


Sweet and cool.

Role: Spleen qi Yiwei, Sheng Jin Runzao. Appropriate to eat less spleen, stomach yin deficiency, yin deficiency stomach pain.


Spleen and stomach, relieve pain, detoxification, swelling, heat and water, can be used for internal heat caused by chest tightness, thirst, sore throat, urination, eyes and ears are not congruent, poor sleep, joints and abdominal pain and other embolism. It contains vitamin C and other ingredients that have analgesia and promote ulcer healing. Cabbage and glutinous rice, dried tangerine peel, and honey can be used to treat stomach cramps, fullness, and stomach, duodenal ulcers, and red bean, wax gourd, and rock sugar cooked to reduce swelling and diuresis. Defecate diarrhea and weak spleen and stomach should not eat more. Cabbage is rich in anti-aging anti-oxidant ingredients, it has the effect of improving immunity and improving body health. Potassium is good for preventing and treating high blood pressure. Vitamin K helps prevent blood clotting and enhances bone mass. Vitamin U has the function of protecting mucosal cells and is said to have a good effect on the prevention and treatment of stomach fire and gastric ulcer.

Canned Food


320g/can , 48cans/carton

900g/can, 12cans/carton

3kg/can, 6cans/carton,

Shelf life: 24months

Application: variety of flavors added to pastry desserts, ice drinks( ice-lolly,ice cream), tofu pudding, shaved ice, sweet porridge, tang-yuan, eight-treasure porridge,grass jelly,etc.


1. Convenience food 2. Save time 3. Rich in nutrition 4. Health 5. Unique flavor 6. Food safety 7. Easy to carry 8. Low prices

Canned Food,Sweet Oats Canned,Mandarin Orange Sac,Red Bean Canned