Self-protection of agricultural motorcycle drivers

First, the prevention of cooling water burns Now to introduce a way to effectively prevent scalding by cooling water: take the waste drive wheel inner one, cut 200mm long, ready to cut into 45 parts with the tank contact parts. When installing, remove the tank hopper and tighten the inner tube with the tank hopper on the tank and open it forward. In this way, even if the tractor suddenly tilts its head, the cooling water does not immediately fall, and this does not affect the cooling function of the water tank. Second, to prevent oil poisoning Gasoline and diesel toxic to the human body. The anti-detonation tetraethyl lead, which is added to gasoline, can invade the human body through the respiratory tract, digestive tract and skin, strongly stimulating the nervous system and causing acute or chronic poisoning. After the diesel vapor is inhaled into the lungs by the respiratory tract, it can cause pneumonia. It often comes in contact with diesel vapor and engine oil and can cause contact dermatitis such as erythema, papules, and chicken pox. Prevention measures are: First, when scrubbing parts with gasoline or diesel, use wire brush or brush to avoid direct skin contact with diesel or gasoline. When petrol and diesel are splashed into eyes, they should be rinsed with water immediately. Secondly, it is forbidden to use mouth to suck the tubing, especially leaded petrol. Use oiling tools when refueling. Third, people with respiratory, cardiovascular and central nervous system diseases. , It is best to avoid contact with gasoline and diesel, so as not to aggravate the condition; Fourth, the driver in contact with gasoline, diesel, after the work is completed, immediately wash hands with warm water, soap, if there is diesel, oil contact dermatitis, available 10% of phenol Rub the affected area with calamine lotion, once a day, or rubbed with 10% hydrocortisone ointment and easiness cream 3 times daily. If there is erosion exudate, use 3% boric acid solution cold wet compress, 3 times a day, every 0.5h, if infected, can be coated with erythromycin ointment, oral antibiotics, with corticosteroid drugs for treatment. Third, to prevent the compounding agent Poisoning agent is mainly through the human breath, skin contact and eating three ways to enter the human body. The most serious of these are respiratory and skin contact, and the likelihood of ingestion is relatively small and relatively light. When the compounding agent passes through the nasal cavity and enters the human body to reach the lungs, the human lungs have many capillaries, so the poisons directly enter the bloodstream without being detoxified by the liver, and therefore are toxic to the human body. Similarly, when the adhesive contaminates the skin, low-molecular-weight poisons can pass through the pores and enter the subcutaneous tissue. Without being detoxified by the liver, they are distributed throughout the body of the blood. Therefore, they are also toxic to the human body. Preventive measures: First, the operating site area should generally be greater than 18 square meters; Second, to maintain the site ventilation, health and light, cover the container, the remaining compounding agent and dirt in time to deal with; Third, after the completion of the work, to Wash hands in time; Fourth, in the operation to avoid direct contact with the adhesive, wear protective gloves and protective masks, the best way is to apply food oil on the hands (when wearing gloves is not easy to operate). Fourth, during the busy season, during the busy season of “Three Summers” and “Three Autumns”, the driver is responsible for the heavy tasks such as machine harvesting, machine unloading, machine cultivating, machine seeding and mechanical straw returning. If you do not pay attention to your eyes at this time The protection of the eye is prone to ocular trauma (the most common are corneal abrasions, splashes, etc.). The cornea is slightly touched by branches and ears, and is damaged by foreign matter such as grain, wheat ears and sand. If the treatment is not timely or handled improperly, the bacteria will enter the corneal injury with the wound and cause corneal ulcer. After the corneal ulcer is cured, it will leave behind a variety of scars, which will lead to decreased vision. In severe cases, it can cause perforation of the cornea, resulting in prolapse of the eye contents and formation of a corneal staphyloma. If secondary infection occurs in the eye, the entire eye will become suppurated and only the eyeball can be removed. So don't be paralyzed by eye injuries. Measures to Prevent Eye Injury: Drivers should follow the rules of safe production and wear protective glasses. They can wear goggles without affecting the line of sight. If foreign matter gets into the eye or a corneal injury occurs, avoid rubbing your eyes with a coat or hand. Temporary emergency measures are to repeatedly blink, let the foreign body flow out with tears, or wash the eye with clean water; if there is wheat or foreign matter embedded in the cornea, it must not be removed with a needle, it should be as soon as possible to the eye hospital for treatment. Author: Heilongjiang College of Agricultural Economics and Vocation: From: "Use and Maintenance of Agricultural Machinery"

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