Wild vegetable processing method

Treating wild plants with more bitter or slightly toxic bitterness using lime water or turf water can be heated and boiled with lime water or ash water. After boiling, it can be changed several times with water or rinsed in running water. Generally, it can be more effective. The toxins or bitterness are removed and the plant tissue can be softened after alkaline treatment to improve the taste of wild vegetables. However, this treatment method has a large loss of nutrients, and after alkali treatment, not only the vitamin is lost. Protein and sugar may also be lost as part of the solution. In some places, the people use soaked sour water, which is also conducive to the removal of alkaloids.

Do not eat dry vegetables where there is no peculiar smell, bitter or easily deprived of wild vegetables, such as Bidengrass, white sandalwood leaves, gray ashes, etc., picking the next stems, leaves, can be directly dried into dry vegetables or Yin Chengcheng dried vegetables.

Drying methods include drying in the sun and bake in two kinds. To preserve vitamins in the plants, such as carotene and riboflavin, it is best to use a fire-baking method. After the wild vegetables are dried, they can be ground into powder and sieved. Some sourdough or dried vegetables are soaked before eating.

Marinated many wild vegetables can also be made into pickles for use in the sky. For some non-toxic and odorless wild vegetables, salting can be used after drying; some of the wild vegetables that require special treatment can be processed and then salted. The practice is the same as that of ordinary vegetables.