After the sheds were frozen, they were saved

Irrigation and irrigation irrigation can increase soil heat capacity, prevent ground temperature from declining, and stabilize near-surface atmospheric temperature, which is conducive to a steady increase in temperature and recovery of frozen tissue. After being cooled, the shed vegetables can not be heated immediately after being chilled, but they can only be released to cool down, so that the temperature in the shed can rise slowly, and the rapid increase in temperature can prevent the frozen tissue from necrosis. Artificial water spray can increase the temperature of the air in the shed, stabilize the temperature of the shed, and inhibit the evaporation of water from the frozen tissue and promote the water absorption of the tissue. Cut off dead branches and cut frozen stems and leaves in order to avoid tissue moldy lesions and induce disease. Shed shading in the shed to prevent shaded vegetables from direct sunlight and dehydration of frozen tissues. After quick-improving fertilizer-freezing of greenhouse vegetables, appropriate amounts of available fertilizers can be chased to facilitate the rapid absorption of plants, increase the concentration of tissue fluid in the plants, and increase heat resistance and ability to restore growth. After the thawing of the frozen plants, the quick-acting fertilizers should be chased and sprayed with 2% urea solution or 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution. After the use of phytohormone, the plants grow slowly and can be sprayed with exogenous plant hormones to promote growth. After freezing and damage prevention and cure pests shed vegetables, we should promptly cut off the frozen branches and leaves in order to avoid mild tissue damage caused by frozen tissue. After the plants are frozen, the pests and insects can easily enter the house. Sprinkle some protective agents and pest control insecticides in time.