The nutritional value of eggplant

Eggplant, known as six vegetables in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, Cantonese called dwarf melon, is an annual herbaceous plant of Solanaceae Solanaceae, tropical is perennial. Its fruits are edible, with purple or purple-black colors, light green or white varieties, and round, elliptical, pear-shaped, and other shapes. Eggplant is a typical vegetable, and its usage varies depending on the variety. According to nutrition expert Li Jiyun, eggplant has a disease-prevention index of 26.29 and a vitality index of 9.7142, which proves to be of high value for the rehabilitation of diseases and an increase in vitality is within the effective range.

Eggplant is also rich in nutrition, containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients. In particular, vitamin P levels are high. Each 100 grams contains 750 milligrams of vitamin P, which is beyond the reach of many fruits and vegetables. Vitamin P can maintain the elastic and physiological function of the blood vessel wall and prevent hardening and rupture. So often eat some eggplant, help control high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and hemorrhagic purpura.

Vitamin P can maintain the elasticity and physiological function of the blood vessel wall and protect cardiovascular and ascorbic acid. This substance can increase the adhesion between human cells, increase the elasticity of capillaries, reduce the brittleness and permeability of capillaries, and prevent the bleeding of microvascular vessels. To maintain normal cardiovascular function, to prevent hardening and rupture, so often eat some eggplant, help control high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and hemorrhagic purpura. Protect cardiovascular, ascorbic acid: In addition, eggplant has the effect of preventing scurvy and promoting wound healing.

Foreign research results show that its anti-cancer properties are several times that of other vegetables that have the same effect, and it is a strong anti-cancer agent; Prevention of stomach cancer: Eggplant contains solanine, can inhibit the proliferation of digestive system tumors, have a certain effect for the prevention and treatment of gastric cancer. In addition, eggplant has the role of clearing away cancer heat. Eggplant also contains phosphorus, calcium, potassium and other trace elements and choline, fenugreek alkali, stachydrine, solanine and other alkaloids. Especially purple eggplant has higher vitamin content.

Anti-aging: Eggplant contains vitamin E, has the function of preventing bleeding and anti-aging, eat eggplant, can not increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, has a positive significance for delaying human aging.