The nutritional value of Morchella

Morchella is also known as goat, delicious morel, mutton mushrooms. For food gas qi stagnation, abdominal distension, phlegm gas anti-puffing cough.

Edible, delicious, is a good edible fungus. Can be used medicinally, benefit stomach, phlegm and qi. It contains 7 kinds of human essential amino acids such as isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine and valine. Fermentors can be used to grow mycelia. Morel is a fruiting body of the fungal plant fungus Morel Morchellaesculenta (13) Pers. Morchella M. conica Pers. Morel contains 24.5 grams of protein per 100 grams of dry matter, 2.6 grams of fat, and 39.7 grams of carbohydrates. It also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals.