Feeding measures to improve broiler production

The level of broiler production depends critically on the genetic potential of chickens. The degree of internal potential performance is related to the appropriateness of feeding management, in addition to whether it is closely related to the suitability of the living environment. At present, many households do not pay much attention to the management of feeding, which affects the growth and development of broilers, causes feed wastage, and reduces the effect of feeding. Farmers should do a good job in feeding management from the following aspects to improve the feeding effect of broiler chickens.

Grasp the time of eating

After the chicks reach the chicken house, they drink water for 2 hours to 3 hours. When the 1/3 chicks have foraging performance, they start to eat from 24 hours to 36 hours after hatching, which is unfavorable to the chicks. Eating too early can affect the absorption and utilization of yolk in the chicks, causing indigestion, which affects the growth and feed utilization of the chicks. In addition, eating too early, chick activity and chicken droppings can contaminate the feed and affect the health of the flock. If you eat too late, the yolk of the chicks is excessively consumed and the physique is weak, which also affects the growth and survival rate of the chicks.

Provide ample feeding position

After 7 days of age, each chicken should have a feeding position of at least 5 cm wide. As the age increases, the feeding position should gradually increase, reaching about 10 cm at 49 days of age. If the feeding position is insufficient, the feed intake of some chickens will be affected, and the size of the flock will be uneven.

Regularly adjust the height of the trough

As the broiler age increases, the height of the trough should be adjusted periodically. The upper edge of the trough should be level with the back of the chicken or 2 cm higher. Chickens do not have teeth or soft fleas. When digging and drinking, they must raise their heads upwards. When the troughs are set properly, they can reduce the overflow of feed from the mouth and reduce feed wastage.

Adjust the feeding times with age

1 day to 3 days of age feeding once every 2 hours, stop at night for 4 hours to 5 hours; gradually reduce the number of feeding after 3 days of age, every day and night 6 to 8 times; late 4 to 6 times. The digestive tract of chicks is not well developed, has no teeth, and has a small crop sac. It has poor digestive enzyme secretion and poor digestion. Therefore, it should be fed less frequently at the initial stage. With increasing age, the number of feedings will gradually decrease.

Control each feeding amount

Each time the amount of added should not be too much, because the poor digestion of chickens, eat too full, easily lead to indigestion, affecting the utilization of feed. The amount of daily use should be reasonably calculated and divided equally by the number of feedings. To be added to the last addition, or to stop for a period of time to add, can not be expected to feed, otherwise easy to cause chicken indigestion, picky eaters, affecting the growth and health of chickens, but also easy to cause feed pollution.

Supply high quality feed

Because broilers grow fast and their digestive function is not very complete, they must supply digestible, nutritious full-price compound feeds. Feeding of broilers is generally divided into three stages: 0 to 20 days of age for brooding, 21 to 38 days of age for mid-term, and 39 days of age to late for slaughter. Different feeds are supplied on a staged basis.

Refueling must have a transition period

During the breeding process, due to the different nutrients required in different stages, the raw materials sometimes change, and refueling is inevitable. Improper refueling can cause more stress on broilers. Suddenly changing the feed may cause chickens to have digestive disorders, resulting in indigestion, diarrhea, etc., affecting the growth and feed utilization of broilers. Practice shows that if refueling progresses, there will be no impact on broiler production. When reloading, it usually takes 5 days to 7 days for the transition. The specific practices are as follows: 2/3 of the previous feed (feed being used) and 1/3 of the next feed (feed to be replaced), with 2 days ; 1/2 of the previous feed + 1/2 of the next feed, with 2 days; 1/3 of the previous feed + 2/3 of the next feed, with 2 days, then all replaced by the latter feed.

Plus health sand

Chicken digestive foods are crushed by the powerful contraction of muscles and stomachs, so insoluble material should be regularly added to the chicken to help digestion and improve feed utilization. The chicks can start with rice-sized health sand and gradually increase in size later. Later in the day, sand with a diameter of 4 mm to 5 mm (wheat grain size) can be used. The health sand can be mixed into the material at a ratio of 0.3%, or it can be added once a week, and can be fed into a platter at any one time for one week.

Add probiotics

The intestinal contents of chickens are slightly acidic, which is conducive to the reproduction of beneficial microorganisms in the intestine. Probiotics are regularly added to feeds to increase the feed utilization rate by 5% to 8%; to improve the disease resistance of the organism and prevent the occurrence of some diseases; to reduce the proportion of non-protein nitrogen in the feces, and to reduce the production of ammonia, which will help improve the house. The environment reduces the occurrence of respiratory diseases and ascites.