Do you know how to eat these lard?

Yin deficiency, eat more lard

Lung yin deficiency

Chinese medicine believes that the Yin Master is static, the Yang is active, and the yin and yang are balanced. The organs can work normally. If yin deficiency, then the yang will be relatively vigorous, so the most important manifestation of lung yin deficiency is fever, not only the lungs have heat, but also the heat transpires upwards, making the cheekbones red and hot; at the same time, the hot air dries the body fluid, performance For dry cough without sputum, or sputum is very few, patients with dry cough for a long time, throat itching unbearable. In view of this situation, the simplest home remedy is to eat more lard, lard sweet, can enter the lungs, can effectively nourishing yin and moistening, and its cool, has a good heat function. In order to make lard play a better role, and more to be taken with honey, honey is sweet and flat, not only nourishing lung yin, but also can relieve cough.

Body weight loss

Sweet food can make people fat. This is common sense in life. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, food has a “biasedness”, and foods with different tastes are inconsistent in the routes we follow in the human body. To sum up, “sour tendons, xin qi, bitter gossip, salty bones, "Like walking meat", we can see that the sweet taste is taking meat. This is the reason why eating too sweet or too greasy and easy to gain weight. On the other hand, malnutrition and body weight loss should be supplemented with more sweet foods. Lard is rich in nutrients, and it can also stimulate the appetite and stimulate digestion and absorption. It is indeed the first choice for increasing fertility. Modern medical studies have shown that fats of the same quality have more energy than sugars and starches, and can make fat people gain weight quickly.

Patients with diarrhea do not eat lard

Diarrhea, also known as diarrhea, is what we often say, "run belly", "diarrhea", the increase in the number of patients with bowel movements, thin stools, and even watery, these patients should not eat lard. Lard has a "slippery" nature, which can ease laxatives and aggravate the condition after eating, seriously endangering gastrointestinal health.

Cooking lard should not use fire

Don't use big fire when you make lard. When the oil temperature exceeds 200°C, the nutrients will change, which will not only produce odor, but also affect digestion after ingestion, and cause cough, dizziness, difficulty breathing, and eyesight. Burns and bronchitis embolism.

In addition, lard should not be stored for too long, when lard spoiled and sour, do not eat, because it contains cholesterol, can make people suffering from atherosclerosis, harm to human health.

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