Dietary prolactin postpartum new mother lactation vegetables one by one

Day lily

Day lily is also known as madder flowers, and other names such as day lily are the buds on the yarrow. It is a perennial perennial wild herbaceous plant with a lump in its roots and it prefers to grow in a damp place. It is rich in nutrients, containing 14.1 grams of protein per 100 grams of dried product, which is almost similar to animal meat. In addition, it also contains a lot of vitamins B1, B2 and so on. As the day lily is rich in nutrients, it has more therapeutic value. The motherland medicine believes that it is beneficial to dampness, heat, wide chest, diuresis, hemostasis, and lower milk. Treatment of postpartum breast milk is no less, and lean pork is eaten with day lily, which is extremely effective.


Legend of Wu Zetian postpartum milk, resumption of constipation, oral ulcers, but she was afraid to take medicine, when a scholar of deep dietary medicine Meng Xie offered a diet prescription, Ling Bai muddy tofu vinegar dressing service , It played wonders.

As a vegetable, it tastes sweet, refreshing and refreshing. In the Jiangnan area of ​​the water country Zeguo, it is listed as the three famous dishes of the southern region with fresh fish and leeks. Not only delicious, nutritious, but also contains carbohydrates, protein, vitamins B1, B2, vitamin C and many minerals. The motherland's medicine believes that the whiteness of the peony is cool, and it has antipyretic, antidotetic, beneficial, and prolactin effects. Nowadays, it is better to use peony white, trotters, pass grass (or mountain conch), cook together, and have good prolactin effect.

Due to the coldness of white and white, if the nursing mother is cold in the spleen and stomach, and the stool is not true, it is not appropriate to eat more. In addition, white wolfberry contains more insoluble calcium oxalate, urinary tract stones patients should also be careful not to eat too much.


Lettuce leaves and stem with two, leaves with lettuce also known as "lettuce", stems with lettuce is called "leaf lettuce", all have a variety of rich nutrients. According to the analysis, with the exception of iron, all other nutrients are higher in leaves than in stems. Therefore, when using lettuce, it is best not to discard the leaves without eating them.

Lettuce taste bitter cold, Tongtong milk effect, maternal milk can be used when eaten pig broiled lettuce. This food method not only reduces greasy, delicious and delicious, but also better than the sole use of trotters lactation effect.


Peas also known as green beans, sweet and flat, rich in phosphorus, about 400 mg per 100 grams of phosphorus. Peas favor urine, fluid, solution sore, antidiarrheal, and milk. Green peas cooked light food or pea sprouts smashed juice, all through the milk.


Tofu is beneficial to gas and it has the effect of Shengjin Runzao, detoxification and detoxification. It is also a prolactin food. Tofu, brown sugar, brewed with boiled water, can be milked.

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