What exactly is vaginal bleeding?

"Normal" abnormal vaginal bleeding

Vaginal abnormal bleeding, inter-menstrual bleeding, oral contraceptives bleeding, bleeding after sexual life three phenomena is "normal", not a disease, as long as life is a little attention on the line.

If vaginal bleeding occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, it occurs about 14 days before menstruation, and lasts for 1-2 hours or 1-2 days. The amount is small and rarely reaches the menstrual flow, usually due to ovulation, also called ovulation bleeding. Is a normal phenomenon.

Because sexual life can cause vaginal or cervical cancer, cervical erosion, cervical polyps and other contact bleeding, but the amount of bleeding is generally not much. If the amount of bleeding is more, it is mostly due to vaginal wall laceration caused by fragile vaginal tissue or excessive sexual behavior. Just pay attention to it.

In addition, vaginal bleeding may also be related to oral contraceptives. Regular female friends of oral contraceptives sometimes experience irregular drip vaginal bleeding, which may be related to the missed service of contraceptives, and also to those who do not miss the service, which can be avoided by adjusting the medication.


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