How to eat the best man forty body supplement

Eat high-end things every day, it does not call it well. Middle-aged men can't hide outside. Many people go to the dining table and always use raw seafood, salmon sashimi, squid, zebrafish, snakes, and crabs. But they don't know that these foods are often a breeding ground for parasites and bacteria. If you pay attention to delicious taste, you may not be cooking enough. When you taste the raw seafood in the United States and the United States, you are already sick.

Every day, books, books, and computers are used. Vision drops quickly. Usually, attention is paid to vitamin A supplementation, which has a good control effect. Eat more carrots, you can keep the normal content of vitamin A in the body. Many people do not want to move when they enter the office. They have a particularly low chance of sun exposure and are prone to a deficiency of vitamin D. As a result, osteoporosis, which is young, can easily result in a fracture. Still have to exercise more, and then try again. If you want to exercise, time can always be squeezed out. Eat more sea fish, chicken liver, these foods have high vitamin D content.

Remember to drink a small amount. Drinking 20-30 ml of red wine a day can reduce heart disease by 75%. When the weather is hot, drinking beer is a favorite of many people, but excessive drinking of beer may accelerate the aging of the heart muscle and increase the blood lead content.

Food can also stabilize emotions. Calcium can calm emotions and prevent aggressive and destructive behavior from occurring. Tempered people often eat dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese, as well as calcium-containing foods such as dried fish and bone soup. The study found that when people encounter a great psychological pressure, the consumption of vitamin C increases significantly. Therefore, eating 3-5 fresh dates each day can help you to cope with a stressful work environment.

Once people are tired, they often eat chicken, duck, fish and meat. In fact, meat is an acidic food, but after eating it will increase the sense of fatigue; fresh vegetables, aquatic products are mostly alkaline foods, can make physical recovery quickly.

If you smoke, you should eat more carrots, bell peppers, shallots, spinach, and orange-colored fruits every day, or add vitamin A, vitamin C, and inorganic salts for breakfast to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases. Of course, the best way is to quit smoking.

Here are the foods that middle-aged men should eat:

Milk: can reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the serum, contains a lot of calcium, can reduce the absorption of cholesterol.

Soybean: It can lower the blood cholesterol level.

Ginger: It has obvious hypolipidemic and cholesterol-lowering effects.

Garlic: It can eliminate the fat accumulated in blood vessels and has obvious lipid-lowering effect.

Onions: Good for lowering blood lipids, preventing atherosclerosis, and preventing myocardial infarction.

Fungus: can lower cholesterol in the blood, can lose weight and fight cancer.

Oats: It has the effect of lowering cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, and it can prevent atherosclerosis when eaten regularly.

Sweet potato: It can supply a large amount of collagen and mucopolysaccharides to the human body and maintain the elasticity of the arteries.

Hawthorn: It has the effect of strengthening and regulating the heart muscle, increasing the contraction rate of the heart, and the blood flow of the coronary artery, and it can also lower the serum cholesterol.

Tea: It has the effects of refreshing, strengthening heart, diuretic, eliminating greasy and lowering fat.

Marine fish: It has the effect of reducing blood fat. Clinical studies have shown that plasma lipids are reduced in people who eat more fish. Prevent arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Tangerine: It can increase the detoxification ability of the liver, accelerate the conversion of cholesterol and lower the content of serum cholesterol.

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