Turtle farming technology

Turtles are temperature-changing animals and require strict environmental temperature and high technical requirements. So the wintering of the turtle is a difficult time. Since 1972, the author has been devoted to the breeding and research of turtles, cockroaches and cockroaches. Over the past 20 years of cultivation and practice, he has gradually explored a little practice experience of wintering turtles. The brief introduction is as follows. 1. The young hatchling hatched in winter is called a hatchling. After hatching from turtle eggs, juvenile tortoises have fragile physique and poor adaptability to the external environment. They consume more energy during the long winter, such as improper management and high winter mortality. From the beginning of the frost, the hatchlings stopped feeding. After larch (at the end of October) for 1 week, hatchlings should be transferred from outdoor to indoor pool for winter. The indoor pool should be filled with sand in advance and the sand should be rinsed with clean water or tap water. After the hatchlings have infiltrated into the sediment, a net cover is required on the pool to prevent enemy invasion. Sediment should maintain a certain humidity, and it is necessary to squeeze into a group but not to accumulate water. When the silt is too dry, it should be sprinkled with water. The temperature difference of the water should not exceed 2 °C. The temperature of the indoor wintering pool must be kept above 0°C to prevent freezing of the pool water. The juvenile turtle organisms will die when they reach the freezing point. When the temperature is too low. Pads can be covered in straw. The hatchlings do not feed when they are wintering, and generally have a density of 100 to 150 per square meter. Young hatchlings are small and delicate. Before the snowfall (late January), regardless of whether the water temperature meets the theoretical requirements, the hatchlings must end their wintering work. 2, young turtles overwintering winter turtles after the winter, the following year is more than 2 years old, the turtle is not mature turtles known as hatchlings. Young turtles are also not resistant to low temperatures. If you stay in the outdoor natural pond for winter, the density should not be too large, 20-30 per square meter. The water depth is more than 1 meter. Put 10 to 20 centimeters thick silt at the bottom of the pool, take a cold rack on the pool, put a plastic film on the rack, leave l-2 ventilation tubes, and cover the straw curtain on the film for winter. If the cement is overwintering in winter, the overwintering method is the same as that of hatchlings. Since 1978, the author has used more than 5,000 baby turtles to winter in outdoor caves, which works well. Specific methods: In sheltered sunny areas, dig 50-60 cm deep earthen ponds, depending on the size of the number of young turtles to local conditions. Tongkou is set up with wooden sticks or planks for the purpose of preventing the permafrost, covered with straw mats, and piled with mud. Drain wells around. Leave 2-3 vent holes in the sunny area of ​​Tangkou, and you can make the baby turtles well-placed in winter. 3, turtles overwintering 3.1 in order to enable the turtle's body after spawning to restore a balanced balance, increase the feeding of some high protein and fat feed before winter. Live animal feeds and compound feeds are released simultaneously. In the feed, appropriate amounts of lysine, methionine, and multi-dimensional additives are added to store a certain amount of nutrients in the overwintering protozoa. In order to achieve the purpose of disease-free early prevention, each 50 kg bait can be added with some red and blue flowers, chrysanthemum, licorice, Banlangen and other Chinese herbal medicine 20-30 grams of Jianzhi bait feeding. 3.2 Overwintering ponds should be chosen to shelter from the sun and keep quiet. At the bottom of the pool, 20 cm thick silt is required to allow the turtle to dive into the silt for wintering. In order to make turtles wake up after a good water environment, before winter, disinfection of the rearing pool water, use 100 to 200 grams of lime per square meter, 8 days after the change of water reserve. 3.3 Before the winter, carefully select and inspect the turtles. Requests the turtle to have normal body color and a strong physique. Hook fishing, fork catching, electric catching, surface injury, slow crawling turtles, should be put alone, can not enter the pool winter. 3.4 After the frost falls, put 1/3 of the pool area in the rearing pond. The grass should not be too much, which will affect the light. The four corners of the rearing tank applied crop straws to take temporary wind walls to prevent sudden attacks from cold currents. Turtle Breeding Practical Techniques First, turtle breeding status and breeding prospects Turtle as a valuable aquatic product, its food value and economic value more and more people's attention. (I) Status of breeding of turtles In the early 1980s, in some areas of China, people used wild resources and sexually mature individuals to carry out artificial breeding and breeding of turtles. At the same time, fisheries experts also conducted research on turtle breeding techniques such as gonad development, embryonic development, breeding ecology, karyotype, turtle fish polyculture, breeding, breeding, and changing hibernation habits. Since the 1990s, this kind of research and development has developed rapidly in Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong and Hainan. 1. Artificial breeding of turtles started earlier in Hunan. At present, the province has an annual output of 10 tons of farms with more than one turtle, with an annual output of 1 to 10 tons. It is expected that more than 350,000 young hatchlings will be produced in 1998. Followed by Jiangxi, Hubei, Guangdong, Hainan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other provinces, in 1998 to hatch hatchlings about 25 to 300,000 seedlings. At present, the technical level of artificial reproduction of turtles is mainly represented by "four rates": egg production rate, fertilization rate, hatching rate, survival rate of juvenile turtles. 2. Artificial breeding of turtles At present, the main methods for raising turtles in China are: From August to October each year (after the hatchlings are hatched), they are cultivated in a small pool of natural temperature. At this time, most of them are fed with commercial feed, weighing 5-20 grams; From November to May of the following year, most of them are bred in greenhouses. At this time, they are denser, but they grow faster. Generally, individual females can grow to 200-350 grams, and individual male turtles have about 150 grams. From June to October, Cultured in ponds, females range from 400 to 550 grams, with a maximum of 700 grams for males and 250 grams for males. The turtle's warming aquaculture equipment is mostly based on the improvement of the turtle's rapid warming equipment. At present, the centralized cultivation of turtles in China is mainly in Hubei, followed by Hunan, Guangdong, and Fujian provinces. It is estimated that in 1998, there will be 50 to 60 tons of artificially farmed turtles and more than 100 tons in 1998. 3. Related industries of turtle breeding With the development of turtle breeding, the supporting technologies, products, and related industries of turtle breeding are also continuously developing, development of turtle feed of different specifications, medicines for prevention of turtle diseases, and temperature control equipment for breeding and incubation. Some also use turtles to produce oral liquids and proprietary Chinese medicines. (B) The breeding prospects of turtles With the improvement of living standards, people not only require foods that are nutritious and delicious, but they also prefer foods that have the efficacy of medicinal diets. As the turtle has the above characteristics, it is increasingly favored by consumers. At present, consumption has increased significantly, and prices have risen. Although there have been major developments in artificially cultivated turtles in recent years, the sources of supply are still relatively scarce. 1. Tortoises are widely used and demanding turtles have three functions in addition to viewing, scientific research, and teaching. They are edible. The body of the turtle is a treasure. The eggs of the turtle turtle are extremely delicious and rich in protein. "Potato Body Pork" refers to the nutrition and taste of five types of animal meat such as cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, and fish. In particular, various types of turtle meat made from turtle meat as the main raw material have become One of the senior cuisines on the feast at the moment. The second is medicinal. Li Shizhen said: "The insects are three hundred and sixty, and the turtles are long. Turtles, the spirits of the worms are also." Tortoise shell turtle is a traditional valuable medicine, it is rich in collagen and protein, calcium, phosphorus, lipids, peptides and a variety of enzymes. According to the clinical research of Chinese medicine, it is proved that turtle shells are gas-tempered, taste-smelling, and cold, with nourishing yin to reduce the fire, and the sun is steamed, and the kidneys and stomach are effective. Turtle blood also has a special effect of inhibiting cancer cells. Its third export earnings. Turtles and their deep-processed products, such as canned foods, nutraceuticals, and Chinese medicines, can be exported. Green turtles can also be cultivated for export. 2. The turtle has high prices and good breeding efficiency. Although the number of young hatchlings at present is only 20 yuan, the number of turtles per 500 grams is between 160 and 180 yuan, and the price of products is about 140 yuan, but the price is basically in line with the value. Overheating. Consumers can accept that producers can also get more lucrative profits. 3. The prospects for turtle breeding are promising for a product or a certain industry. Its development generally goes through three periods, namely, the development period, the boom period, and the recession period. The turtle industry is currently at a stage of development. There are three reasons for this: First, there is a wide range of consumption, and the market is large. Second, there is great potential for deep processing of products. Third, the ability to earn foreign exchange through exports is strong. From this we can see that the prospects for the development of the turtle industry are still promising. Second, the turtle's habits and reproduction?? 1. Turtle habits: turtle is semi-aquic, semi-continental reptiles. It mainly inhabits rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, and other waters. During the day, many people dwell in water. When the summer is hot, they search for shade in groups. Mild temperament, no biting each other. When confronted with hostile or frightened, the head, limbs and tail are retracted into the shell. Turtles are omnivorous animals that feed on animal-like insects, worms, small fish, shrimp, snails, pods, planty young leaves, duckweed, rind, wheat, rice, and weed seeds. Strong against hunger, do not eat for months and not starve to death. Turtles are hypothermic animals. When the water temperature drops below 10°C, it is hibernating in the muddy bottom or in the loose soil covered with a cover. During the hibernation period, generally from January to the beginning of April, when the water temperature rises to 15°C, an acupuncture activity takes place and the water temperature starts feeding at 18°C ​​to 20°C. 2. The age and growth of the turtle: How long is the turtle's life span? Currently, there is no conclusive statement. Generally speaking, we can live for 100 years. According to relevant research, there are more than 300 years, and some even over a thousand years. The growth of turtles is relatively slow. Under normal conditions, females grow at a rate of about 15 grams for the first instar turtle, 50 grams for the second instar turtle, 100 grams for the third instar turtle, 200 grams for the fourth instar turtle, and 250 in the fifth instar turtle. 250 grams, six-year-old turtle about 400 grams. Males grow slowly, and the largest individual for sexual maturity is generally less than 250 grams. ?? 3. Turtle breeding habits: (1) male and female identification: see Table 1. ? Table 1? Male and female turtles distinguish between male and female turtles individual size small large torso minister, thin and short, thick turtle shell color black or dark economy color brown yellow armor lines is not obvious marked tail tail handle tail, tail tail handle Coarse and short-bodied flavors have special odors and no odors. (2) Sexual maturation age: The gonads of turtles older than 5 years old begin to mature under natural conditions, and mature 7th instars. In terms of body weight, 150 grams of males are common and 250 grams of females begin to mature. ??(3) Mating and fertilization: From April to May of each year, when the moon is just above the treetops, the turtles can find each other on the edge of the pond. Sometimes a female turtle is followed by 1 to 3 males. At first, the female turtles ignored them. Over time, the powerful and flexible male turtle leaped up and swooped over the female turtle's back. He grasped the female turtle's back on both sides with his forelegs, and he mated his hind legs on the ground. If in water, the female and male turtles roll up and down to complete mating. (4) Spawning period: Tortoises in the tropics can spawn throughout the year. The Yangtze River basin in China generally begins spawning at the end of August until the end of August, and the peak of spawning occurs from May to July. Female turtles can lay their eggs 3 to 4 times a year (litter) for 10 to 30 days at a time, spawning 5 to 10 eggs at a time, a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 16 eggs. Water temperature and air temperature are optimal at 27°C to 31°C. If the temperature exceeds 35°C, egg production stops. (5) Spawning habits: The turtle's spawning process can be divided into four stages: The first stage is to select a hole to pull. Crawl around to select the loose soil to help prevent the enemy's roots or weeds. The soil moisture content is about 5% to 20%. The second stage digs. The caliber of the ovary is about 3 to 4 cm. The burrow is slightly inclined and is 8 to 9 cm deep. The third stage of spawning. The egg is produced in the hole. After each egg is produced, the hind limbs are arranged in the hole. Produced at intervals of 2 to 5 minutes, it takes about 30 minutes to produce a batch of eggs. The fourth phase covers the hole. Use two hind legs to work in rotation and dig the soil outside the hole to the inside of the hole little by little, and press the hind legs once every time you put the soil. When the soil is covered with cavities, the whole body's posterior half of the body is firmly pressed. The whole reproductive process takes about 8 hours, and the ratio of time for striking a hole, spawning, and covering a hole is about 6:1:3. ?? 6. Embryonic development: eggs produced about 30 hours, there is a white point above the shell, that is, fertilized eggs. 30 days after childbirth, the fertilized egg turns pale purple, and after 70 days, the egg shell turns black. The entire hatching takes 80 to 90 days to hatch. Third, the artificial breeding technology of the turtle 1. The choice of turtles and stocking. Turtle should be excellent in physique, normal appearance, lively and robust, body skin intact without injury. Female turtles should be more than 500 grams, 150 to 250 grams of male turtles, such as turtle turtles market acquisition, should be carried out in summer and autumn. Female to male ratio 3:1 to 2.5:1. The stocking density of pro-turtle should not be too large, and it should be controlled within 500 kilograms per mu. 2. The cultivation of turtles. To make turtles mature early, produce more eggs each year, have more eggs and better eggs, depends largely on feed conditions. Small fish, shrimp, loach, clams, snails, river clams, the internal organs of livestock and poultry, silkworm cocoons, bean cakes, wheat bran, corn flour, etc. These are foods that turtles love to eat. The ratio of animal and vegetable feed is 7:3. Artificial feeds can be fed in areas where natural feeds are scarce. During the spawning period and during the spawning period, feeds with high protein content, rich vitamins, and low fat content should be added. After the spring, when the water temperature rises to 16°C to 18°C, it starts feeding and attracting food. Fresh, high-quality ingredients are used every 3 days to promote probiotic feeding. When the water temperature reaches 20°C or more, feed it once a day, fresh bait feeds 5% to 10% of the turtle's weight, and the commodity feed feeds 1% to 3% of the body weight. Turtle pond water quality requires fat and cool, maintains medium fatness, and the water color is preferably dark brown, with a transparency of 25 to 30 cm. It is often injected with fresh water to keep turtle ponds clean and hygienic, reduce mosquitoes, and to regularly sterilize drugs. 3. Collection of turtle eggs. During the entire reproductive season, spawning sites should be inspected daily. It is advisable to check the time when the sun is not out and the dew is dry. If you find that the turtle has spawned, cover the hole with mud or something else. Do not turn or transport the egg arbitrarily. Wait 30 to 48 hours after production. The embryo is fixed. The animal pole (white) and the plant pole (yellow ) The boundary is obvious. There is a round white spot on one end of the animal. Each day's eggs are marked with different colors of bamboo, so that they can be picked separately. When collecting eggs, use buckets, pots, and boxes to collect eggs. Generally, a layer of 2 cm thick fine sand is laid on the bottom, a layer of eggs is laid on the sand, and the eggs are covered with sand. This way, 4 to 5 layers can be placed repeatedly. At the time of egg collection, the mud in the mouth of the hole is opened and the eggs are removed. The unfertilized eggs, the poorly fertilized eggs, the deformed eggs, the eggs with dark spots on the shells, and the broken eggs of the shell were excluded. After the eggs are collected, the spawning grounds should be well-organized. Spray some water when it is dry to facilitate the turtles to spawn again. 4. Artificial hatching of turtle eggs. (1) Common incubating equipment includes the following types: one is an outdoor hatching tank, the second is an outdoor hatchery, the third is an indoor hatching tank, and the fourth is other, such as a trench hatching tank, a wooden incubator, and an improved thermostat as an incubator Wait. In short, the hatching equipment of the turtle eggs is basically the same as the hatching equipment of the turtle eggs. The equipment that can hatch the turtle eggs can incubate the turtle eggs. (2) There are two kinds of sand for hatching turtle eggs: one is the sand for hatching turtle shell eggs, and the other is that the soil is dried and crushed and mixed with sand, and the latter is better. The arrangement of eggs is basically similar to that of turtle eggs. (3) The incubation of turtle eggs mainly controls three conditions: temperature. The best control in 28 °C ~ 31 °C, not more than 34 °C, not less than 26 °C. humidity. The best control is between 80% and 82%. The moisture content of the sand is best controlled between 7% and 8%, not lower than 5.3%, and not higher than 25.0%. During the incubation period, the humidity of the sand should be checked regularly every day. During the inspection, gently open the sand with your hand and observe the depth of the sandy layer from the surface. If the wet sand layer does not appear until close to the egg, use a sprayer to spray water on the surface of the sand so that the fine sand layer (5 to 6 cm thick) can be moistened. Do not spray it at high temperatures. Usually 2 to 3 days watering once. Ventilation. During hatching, the surface layer should be prevented from forming and the eggs should be inhaled and suffocated. (4) When the hatching of the turtle eggs is approaching, loosen the top layer of sand with a small gill to facilitate hatching of the hatchlings. The hatched hatchlings tend to have a tendency towards water. At this time, a basin containing a half-basin water is placed at one end of the hatchery so that hatchlings can climb into the basin. The newly hatched hatchlings weigh 3 to 7 grams and have a yellowish-green back, which looks roughly like ancient coins. After the umbilical hole of the young turtle is closed, the yolk can be sucked and put into the hatchery pool for feeding. 4. Turtle Breeding 1. Turtle Breeding Methods There are four breeding methods for adult turtles: one is warming culture, and the warming time is the overwintering stage of natural breeding. The second is the plastic shed insulation culture, which features two months of breeding time in late spring, early summer and late summer and early autumn. The third is the open-air earthen pond farming at room temperature, which is divided into two kinds: single-cultivation and turtle fish polyculture. Fourth, the courtyard and the farmer raise turtles. Generally, they choose the house behind the house, have water, and have plenty of sunshine. The warm and quiet free land is used to open ponds or the existing water surface to raise turtles. 2. Preparation of turtles for stocking before stocking: Carry out trimming and disinfection of turtle ponds, including clear ponds, disinfection, inspection of escape prevention walls, water inlet and outlet pipes, and trimming. When stocking, it's best to do it separately. Stocking time should be selected in late April or early May, when the water temperature is stable at 18 °C ~ 20 °C. Before hatching, hatchlings should be disinfected by drug inoculation. Stocking and Width: The stocking standards for different breeding methods in the adult turtle stage are shown in Table 1. In practical applications, they should be increased or decreased according to the technical level of their breeding conditions. 3. Daily Management of Adult Turtle Feed and Feeding Methods: Feed: Turtle's animal natural feed includes snails, clams, fresh fish, clams, shrimps, livestock processing by-products, and artificial mixes with a protein content of 40%. feed. For natural feed and processing by-product feed, the feed coefficient is generally 8 to 15, and artificial compound feed is approximately 2.0. In practice, each (dry weight) artificial compound feed, plus 1% to 2% of the vegetables, plus 3.5 to 4 (wet weight) of fresh fish or poultry, livestock waste, etc., fully mixed, Into a mass. Press 1st and 1st in the afternoon to feed the animals. Feeding: See Table 2 for the standard of feeding at normal temperature in each month. The increase or decrease of feed is generally based on the following principles: Increase the feeding amount as the turtle's body weight gradually increases; When the water temperature is stable at 30 °C and sunny, the feeding amount should be appropriately increased; In the rainy days, the amount should be reduced as appropriate; if it encounters rainy weather, It is best to use a shelter above the feed table to ensure proper feeding and feed. During the vigorous growing seasons of June, July and August, fresh feed should be fed as far as possible to maintain a balanced diet. When the water temperature drops below 18°C, feeding should be stopped. Water Management Water Quality: High-density intensive farming of adult turtles, with small water bodies and poor self-purification, special attention should be paid to the control of water quality. The conventional conditions of turtle fish are polyculture or monoculture. Generally, the pond is relatively large, the water is deep, the degree of biological diversity in the water ecosystem is high, the water self-purification ability is strong, and the water quality is easy to control. Under normal circumstances, in the event of excessive water quality and easy to lack of oxygen at dawn, new water should be injected in time or aerators should be used to increase oxygen. Lime lime (10 mg/L ~ 15 mg/L) or bleaching 1 ~ 2 ppm was added every 10 to 15 days. Water level: The level of adult turtle pond should be protected by about 1 meter, and increase or decrease depending on the weather. When the turtle is too deep, the turtle consumes too much energy in the upper and lower breathing exercises; it is too shallow, and the water quality is changeable. There must be more land for turtles to rest on the back of the pool. Water temperature: For turtles reared under warming conditions, the water temperature should be maintained at 30°C 1°C to 2°C. Normal temperature breeding, early spring, late autumn when the climate is still unstable, should be appropriate to deepen the water level to prevent frequent, rapid changes in water temperature; midsummer water temperature reached 34 °C ~ 35 °C, the water level should be deepened in order to reduce temperature. Inflatable: In particular, intensive pool turtle ponds are prone to lack of oxygen and produce toxic gases (biogas, hydrogen sulfide, and oxygen); timely inflation and oxygenation can accelerate the escape of these gases and purify the water. When the water clarity is about 30 cm above and below, the dissolved oxygen content is approximately 4 mg/L to 5 mg/L, and the environment is most suitable for the growth of turtles. When the concentration of ammonia in the water is between 20 mg/L and 30 mg/L, the growth of the turtle is normal and the appetite is reduced at 70 mg/L. The water should be changed in time, and more than 100 mg/L will easily cause disease. Fifth, the turtle's nutritional needs and feed preparation technology (A), turtle nutrition needs The turtle needs nutrition is mainly protein, fat, carbohydrates, inorganic salts and vitamins and other five major nutrients. 1. Protein. Protein is most important for the growth and development of turtles. Turtles ingest protein directly from feed. It is generally believed that the protein content in feed is high, the nutritional value of the feed is good, and the cultured objects grow quickly. Turtles have a relatively high demand for protein content in feeds. They have different growth stages and require different amounts. Generally, the protein content in feeds is between 38% and 42%. 2. Fat. Fat is one of the indispensable ingredients for turtle growth and development. It is mainly used as an energy source for storing body fat or for exercising. The thermal energy released by oxidation of fat in the turtle body is generally 2 times that of sugar and protein. Experiments have shown that the fat content in the turtle compound feed is 3.5% to 5.0%. It is appropriate, too high or too low, which will affect the feed efficiency, the rate of weight gain, and the meat increase coefficient. 3. Carbohydrates. The main physiological functions of carbohydrates absorbed by the body are: First, the supply of heat, and second, the composition of the body; Third, to save the body protein, used as a binder for feed. The adaptability of starch in the turtle's feed is 23% to 26%. 4. Inorganic salts. Inorganic salts play a very important role in the tortoise's body. Besides participating in the formation of bones and blood, they also have a direct or indirect effect on regulating the body's physiology, especially for the procreation of eggs. Among the necessary inorganic salts, the following are relatively easily missing, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, zinc, copper, cobalt, and the like. Calcium and phosphorus account for 3/4 of all inorganic salts in the body. In particular, high-performance fast-acting additives such as bone powder must be added before and after laying eggs. 5. Vitamins. When the turtle lacks vitamins, its growth and development slows down, metabolism is abnormal, and it is susceptible to various diseases. Most vitamins cannot be synthesized in the body and must be supplied by feed. Vitamins, like animal hormones, are small in quantity but essential, so complex vitamins must be added to the feed. (b) Types of turtle feed 1. Animal feed. Including a variety of light and saltwater fish, mollusks, large eggs, aquatic insects, meat and sewerage of various livestock and wild animals, silkworm cocoons and so on. 2. Plant feed. It includes corn, wheat, soybeans, millet, rice, various types of cakes, fruits and vegetables in green feed, vegetables, aquatic plants, and the like. 3. Feed additives. It includes bone mineral powder, calcium powder, salt, fast-acting fast-acting additives, vitamins of animal multivitamins, cod liver oil, malt, etc., oxytetracycline, sulfonamides, etc. Yeast, food maternal, and song. (C) Feed and Feed Preparation 1. Natural feed. It has a wide range of worms, silkworms, insects, water eggs, fish, shrimp, snails, cockroaches, fly maggots, silkworm cocoons, animal slaughtered leftovers and various green materials such as melons, leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes. , rice, wheat and so on. The processing and preparation method is that the animal and plant feeds are chopped at 6:4 or 7:3 respectively, and then they are put into the mixer and added with some appropriate disease-preventing drugs, and then they are evenly mixed. This feed protein content is not very high, generally around 30%, but the turtle's effect is better. 2. Artificial compound feed. According to the turtle's physiological characteristics, a variety of raw materials will be prepared according to a certain percentage, and use a certain process processing and cooperation. The proportion of various nutrients formulated in the feed is reasonable, allowing the nutrients to maximize economic efficiency and achieve the best feeding results. In different stages of growth, turtles also have different needs for various nutrients. See Table 1. Formula 1: Fishmeal 38%, bean cake 12%, peanut cake 10%, rapeseed cake 5%, corn flour 10%, flour 20%, bone meal 3%, lysine 1%, multivitamin 1%. The formula has a crude protein content of 42%. Formulation 2: fishmeal 25%, cocoon powder 10%, bone meal 3%, bean powder 15%, peanut cake 15%, flour 15%, corn flour 15%, lysine 1%, multivitamin 1%. The crude protein content of this formula feed is 38%. Turtle Tortoise Breeding Techniques Young hatchlings enter the hatchling rearing period after winter or the following spring. Cuttlefish rearing refers to rearing of hatchlings for the first time after winter and before the second winter, including the cultivation of 2nd-age turtles and 3rd-instar turtles. (I) Construction of young turtle pool The young turtle pond is generally built indoors and can also be built outdoors. The area is 30-100 square meters, right is the outdoor pool with the east-west rectangular pool. Deep pool 1. O-1.2 meters, the water depth of 0.7 meters left. The bottom of the pool can be covered with natural soil. It can also be of cement structure. The bottom of the cement structure is laid with 20 cm of sand. On the north side of the pool (on either side of the indoor pool), use a rock wool tile to form a slope with a 25-30 degree angle to the ground as a resting place for the hatchlings and a feed stand. The asbestos tile is about 20 centimeters deep in the water for the young turtles. Up and down activities (back drying and feeding), slope area accounted for 1/5 - 1/6 of the turtle pool. (B) The hatchlings are stocked each year. In early April each year, when the water temperature reaches 15 degrees, hatchlings begin feeding. The hatchlings should be reared according to different specifications, and the individual turtles of the same size should be kept in the same pool to prevent it from feeding. Polarization, inhibition of feeding and growth of smaller hatchlings. In general, 20-30 young turtles of 2 years old are stocked on a square meter basis and 1-0-20 young hatchlings of 3rd age. (C) feed and feeding from the turtle's feed source points, turtle feed has three categories. Animal feed contains fish, shrimp, snails, cockroaches, cockroaches, fly maggots, silkworm cocoons, insects, and internal organs of various animals; vegetable feeds include melon, sweet potato, wheat, rice, young leaves, duckweed, and corn , bean cakes, etc.; artificial compound feed according to the nutritional physiology and growth needs of hatchlings artificial preparation, general crude protein requirements 30% - 40%. The types of feeds to be fed should vary according to local resources. In areas where there is a wide range of animal feed sources, animal feeds and plant feeds can be used to feed 7:3. Where animal feed sources are difficult, compound feeds can be fed. It is not affected by natural conditions, easy to save, easy feeding. Feed should be fresh and palatable. Can not feed rotten degenerate feed, smaller feed such as clams, shrimp, fish, fly maggots, silkworm cocoons, etc., can be directly cast on the water table about 2 cm away; larger feed such as animal offal, cockroach Meat, fish, etc. are minced and then fed. Mixed feed should be mixed with wet, knead and soft and viscoelastic before feeding. Plant feeds can be fed directly, or they can be crushed or squeezed into juice and then mixed into animal feed or compound feed. Feeding 2 times a day in the appropriate temperature season, 8-9 hours in the morning, 4-5 in the afternoon, the amount of the input accounted for 10% to 15% of the total weight of the young turtle (fresh weight), and 2% to 5% of the compound feed; The appropriate temperature season (non-feeding season) is fed once a day, around 10:00 am, and the feeding amount is half of the suitable temperature season. (IV) Feeding management requires that the pool water is yellow-green with a transparency of 25-35 cm. Because the pool is small, the water quality is easily deteriorated. Especially in summer, the temperature is high, the turtle eats large amounts of food, and there are many excretions, which can easily cause water pollution. Therefore, every 10 days or so, the water body is drained from the water of 1/3 of the net, and fresh water is added to ensure that the water is fresh. On the other hand, every 15 days, about 1 meter per acre of water, the whole pool of 15kg of calcined pulp was splashed to improve the water quality. During the hot season, take a shady shade over the outdoor pool. Do a good job of preventing the escape of turtles and preventing enemy damage (rats, snakes, etc.). Keep the environment quiet, especially within 1 hour after feeding. Remove the bait every day. In the absence of temperature control, when the water temperature drops to about 20 degrees, it is necessary to make preparations before winter; as much as possible, feed some feeds with high protein and fat content, such as animal organs, cockroaches, cocoons, snails, fish, Shrimp, etc.; pool water maintained at 0.9 meters above, above the pool, laying plastic film or straw insulation. The tile and the water level are connected at an angle of 25 to 30 degrees to the spawning ground and the turtle pool, and the spawning ground at the pool side requires the bank slope to be 25 to 30 degrees. 2. The turtle's newly built turtle pool, after prolonged exposure to the sun, can be stocked with turtles. The turtles that have reared their turtles are sterilized once every two years. After the autumn, they select sunny weather, drain the water, catch the turtles, hold them in temporary holding pools, and remove excess sediment. The whole pool of 100 kg/mu lime shall be sprayed. After two days, the sand or mud shall be used to move the ground sand. After one week, fresh water shall be filled and the turtles shall be transferred. After the opening of the spring, before the turtle activities, refurbish the turtle pool, reinforce the escape prevention facilities, dredge into the drainage system, and finish the spawning ground. 3. Pro turtle stocking turtles stocking ratio of 2:1 with stocking. The stocking density is preferably 5-6 per square meter. In order to increase the economic benefits of the turtle pool, 10 species of summer fish can be stocked per square meter. The varieties are suitable for flowers and white leeks. They cannot be matched with eating or carnivorous species in order to avoid competing with turtles. 4. Feeding and management of turtles (l) Feeds and feeds for feeding turtles include animal feeds: squid, shrimp, snail, hail, snail, mealworm, cocoon, and animal viscera, etc.; vegetable feed: bean cake, rice bran , wheat drum, rice, melon, rice and plant leaves and artificial feed. After spring, it is necessary to feed high-protein, vitamin-rich, and low-fat feeds before and during spawning, and to feed high-fat, high-fat feeds before winter. Turtle feeding according to "four set". timing. Two times a day, 8-9 am, 5-6 pm, once each. One day in the early spring and autumn and winter day at 10 am. Quantitative. The amount fed was 5% to l0% of the total weight of the turtle, or 2 hours after feeding. Qualitative. The feed should be fresh and nutritious, and animal and plant feed should be fed at a ratio of 7:3. Larger feeds must be minced or chopped. Positioning. The feed is placed on the food table. That is, asbestos tile or pool embankment lined up at 2 cm. (2) The water quality of the water quality management pool shall be maintained at 25-30 cm, and the water shall be green. In the spring and autumn, the water depth is controlled to be about 0.8 meters, and it is 1-2 meters in summer, and the water level is kept above 1.2 meters when it is wintering. Change the water every 15 days during the summer high temperature period. Each month, 20 kg/acre of calcined pulp is used to sprinkling the entire pond once. (3) Daily management Regularly clean the bait station every day to remove excess bait; visit the turtle pond one at a time sooner or later to observe the feeding and activity status of the turtles; plant the haystacks at the spawning site before spawning (the turtle likes to be on the side of the grass Spawning); During the spawning season, the sand of the spawning site is loosened every day to keep the sand wet. Around the turtle pool, pedestrians and vehicles are to be minimized to create a quiet spawning environment. Collection and storage of turtle eggs 8-30 hours after hatching turtle eggs, embryos have been fixed, the animal pole (white) and the plant pole (yellow) boundaries are clear, you can identify fertilization or not, all eggs facing the light to see the internal rosy A long white area appears in the central part of the long axis of the egg, and the edge of the area is smooth and complete. It is a fertilized egg, otherwise it is an unfertilized egg. During the spawning season, the sand of the spawning ground is turned on at 5 pm every day. Eggs produced by the pro-tortoise are collected in an egg-collecting box. The eggs are placed in the collection box and the egg is placed on the spawning ground. After the eggs are collected, return the collection box to the hatchery and incubate the fertilized eggs in the incubator. The incubator was made of wood (pine wood) and was 40 centimeters long, 30 centimeters wide, and 20 centimeters deep. There were water filtering holes around the box, and the bottom layer was passed through No. 5 sieve, 2cm coarse sand that did not pass No. 14 sieve, and its top After passing through the No. 14 sieve and the sand not passing through the No. 30 sieve for 1 cm, the fertilized eggs are placed on the sand, and the eggs are arranged at a distance of 1 cm, and then the eggs are laid on the 1 cm passage through the No. 14 sieve and not through the No. 30 sieve. Sand. The humidity of the sand is made by hand and it is better to fall on the ground and spread out naturally. Finally, label the date of harvesting eggs and hatch the incubator hatchery. Unfertilized eggs remain in the collection box, but they are also checked in tomorrow's hatching room to see if they are fertilized. If they are hatched in the fertilized box, unfertilized eggs (more than 30 hours) are given to clear the eggs. (l) Indoor hatching depends on the size of the production volume to build a hatching room of a suitable size, generally about 5000 eggs per square meter can be hatched. The hatchery is built in a quiet and well-ventilated place. The doors and windows must be right for ventilation. Incubator rooms can be equipped with temperature control equipment (heating, heaters, etc.) to control the temperature of the hatchery, and a shelf for the incubator box is placed in the room. During the incubation process, the temperature should be controlled at 26-35 degrees; the humidity (air) is controlled at 80%-82%, and the moisture content of the sand is controlled at 7%-10%. When the temperature is high on sunny days, open doors and windows for ventilation. Usually spray once a day. (2) Incubation in the outdoor incubation chamber can control temperature, humidity and other ecological factors, and has a high hatching rate. Outdoor hatching has a lower hatching rate. Select a place with a relatively dry terrain to remove debris from surrounding areas. Level the land. Spread 2 g of coarse sand passing through No. 5 sieve and No. 14 sieve, then spread through No. 14 sieve and 1 cm of sand not passing through No. 30 sieve. , And then discharge eggs, and finally covered with sand. In the upper part, it is protected against rain and direct sunlight. Digging a ditch around it prevents ants from harming the eggs. At the same time, hatchlings have the habit of finding water sources to collect in the ditch. At present, outdoor incubation has been less used. Turtle Nutritional Requirements 1. Turtle Nutritional Requirements Turtles require nutrients such as protein, fat, carbohydrates, inorganic salts, and vitamins. (a) Protein. Protein is most important for the growth and development of turtles. Turtles ingest protein directly from feed. It is generally believed that the protein content of feed is high, the nutritional value of the feed is good, and the cultured object grows quickly. Turtles have a relatively high demand for protein content in feeds. Their growth stages are different, and their requirements are also different. Generally, the protein content in feeds is between 38% and 42%. (b) Fat. Fat is one of the indispensable ingredients for turtle growth and development. It is mainly used as an energy source for storing body fat or for exercising. The thermal energy released by oxidation of fat in the turtle body is generally 2 times that of sugar and protein. Experiments have proved that the fat content in the turtle compound feed is 3.5% to 5.0%. If it is too high or too low, it will affect the feed efficiency, the rate of weight gain, and the meat increase coefficient. (c) Carbohydrates. The main physiological functions of carbohydrates absorbed by the body are: First, the supply of heat, and second, the composition of the body; Third, to save the body protein, used as a binder for feed. The adaptability of starch in the turtle's feed is 23% to 26%. (d) Inorganic salts. Inorganic salts play a very important role in the turtle's body. Besides participating in the formation of bones and blood, they also have a direct or indirect effect on regulating the body's physiology, especially for the procreation of eggs. Among the necessary inorganic salts, the following are relatively easily missing, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, zinc, copper, cobalt, and the like. Calcium and phosphorus account for 3/4 of all inorganic salts in the body. In particular, high-performance fast-acting additives such as bone powder must be added before and after laying eggs. (e) Vitamins. When the turtle lacks vitamins, its growth and development slows, metabolism is abnormal, and it is susceptible to various diseases. Most vitamins cannot be synthesized in the body and must be supplied by feed. Vitamins, like animal hormones, are small in quantity but essential, so complex vitamins must be added to the feed. Second, the type of turtle feed (a) animal feed. Including a variety of light and saltwater fish, mollusks, large eggs, aquatic insects, meat and water of various livestock and wild animals, silkworm cocoons and so on. (b) Vegetable feeds. It includes corn, wheat, soybeans, millet, rice, various types of cakes, fruits and vegetables in green feed, vegetables, aquatic plants, and the like. (c) Feed additives. It includes bone mineral powder, calcium powder, salt, high-speed fast-growing additives, animal vitamins, cod liver oil, malt, etc., oxytetracycline, sulfonamides, etc. Yeast, food maternal, and song. Third, feed and feed preparation (a) natural feed. It has a wide range of worms, silkworms, insects, water eggs, fish, shrimp, snails, cockroaches, fly maggots, silkworm pupa, animal slaughtered leftovers and various green materials, such as melons, leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes , rice, wheat and so on. The processing and preparation method is that the animal and plant feeds are chopped at 6:4 or 7:3 respectively, and then they are put into the mixer and added with some appropriate disease-preventing drugs, and then they are evenly mixed. This feed protein content is not very high, generally around 30%, but the turtle's effect is better. (B) artificial feed. According to the turtle's physiological characteristics, a variety of raw materials will be prepared according to a certain percentage, and use a certain process processing and cooperation. The proportion of various nutrients formulated in the feed is reasonable, allowing the nutrients to maximize economic efficiency and achieve the best feeding results. In different stages of growth, turtles also have different needs for various nutrients. Formula 1: Fishmeal 38%, bean cake 12%, peanut cake 10%, rapeseed cake 5%, corn flour 10%, flour 2%, bone meal 3%, lysine 1%, multivitamin 1%. The formula has a crude protein content of 42%. Formula 2: fishmeal 25%, cocoon powder 10%, bone meal 3%, bean powder 15%, peanut cake 15%, flour 15%, corn flour 15%, lysine 1%, multivitamin 1%. The crude protein content of this formula feed is 38%. Turtle farming methods First, adult turtle breeding methods There are four turtle breeding methods: First, heating culture, heating time for the natural breeding of the winter phase. The second is the plastic shed insulation culture, its characteristics can be extended in the late spring and early summer and late summer and early autumn two months breeding time.三是常温露天土池养殖,分为单养和龟鱼混养两种。四是庭院和农家养龟,一般选择房前屋后、有水源、阳光充足,温暖安静的空闲土地开池或已有的水面进行养龟。二、成龟的放养放养前的准备:进行龟池的修整与消毒,包括清塘、消毒,检查防逃墙,进出水管,并进行修整等。放养时最好做到大小分开养殖。放养时间应选在4月下旬或5月上旬,当水温稳定在18℃~20℃进行。放养前应对幼龟进行药物侵洗消毒。放养密宽:成龟阶段不同养殖方式的放养标准见表1,在实际应用中应根据各自的养殖条件技术水平酌情加以增减。三、.成龟的日常管理饲料与投饲方法饲料:龟的动物性天然饲料有螺、蚌、鲜杂鱼、蚯蚓、小虾、禽畜加工副产品等,以及蛋白质含量为40%的人工配合饲料。天然饲料和加工副产品饲料,饲料系数一般为8~15,而人工配合饲料为2.0左右。在实际应用中,每一份(干重)人工配合饲料,加1%~2%的蔬菜,加3.5份~4份(湿重)的鲜鱼肉或禽、畜下脚料等,充分混和,制成团状。按上、下午各1次,定点投喂。投饲:常温养殖各月份的投饲标准见表2。饲料的增减一般根据以下原则:随龟的体篝逐步增加而增加投饲量;当水温稳定在30 ℃和晴天时应适当增加投饲量;阴雨天则酌情减少等;如遇到阴雨连绵,最好在饲料台上方搭遮雨棚,以保证龟的正常摄食和饲料的投喂。生长期旺盛的6、7、8月份,尽可能投喂活鲜饲料,以保持营养上的均衡。当水温降到18℃以下时,应停止投饲。亲龟的选择与放养一、亲龟的选择与放养亲龟应体质优良,外型正常、活泼健壮,体肤完整无伤。雌亲龟宜500克以上,雄龟150~250克,如市场收购的龟作亲龟,宜在夏秋季节进行。雌、雄比3∶1~2.5∶1。亲龟的放养密度不宜太大,每亩控制在500公斤以内。二、亲龟的培育要使亲龟性成熟早、年产卵次数多、卵数量多、卵质量好,在很大程度上取决于饲料条件。小鱼虾、泥鳅、蚯蚓、螺蛳、河蚌、家畜家禽的内脏、蚕蛹、豆饼、麦麸、玉米粉等,这些都是乌龟爱吃的食物。动、植物性的饲料的比例为7∶3。在天然饲料缺少的地区可喂人工配合饲料。产卵前、产卵期间要多投蛋白质含量高、维生素丰富、脂肪含量低的饲料。开春后,水温上升到16℃~18℃时,开始投饵诱食,每隔3天用新鲜的优质料,促使亲龟早吃食。水温达20℃以上时,每天投喂1次,鲜饵料投喂乌龟体重的5%~10%,商品配合饲料投喂体重的1%~3%。龟池水质要求肥而带爽,保持中等肥度,水色最好呈茶褐色,透明度25~30厘米,经常注入新水,保持龟池的清洁卫生,减少蚊虫,并要定期进行药物消毒。三、龟卵的收集在整个生殖季节,应每天检查产卵场,检查时间以太阳未出、露水未干时为宜。如发现亲龟已产卵,要将洞口用泥或其它东西盖好,不要随意翻动或搬运卵粒,待产出后30~48小时,其胚胎已固定,动物极( 白色)和植物极(黄色)分界明显,动物极一端出现圆形小白点,此时方可采卵。每一天产的卵用不同颜色的竹片做好标志,以便采卵时分别。采卵时用桶、盆、箱收卵都行,一般先底铺一层2厘米厚的细泥沙,沙上放一层卵,卵上再盖沙,如此反复可放4~5层。收卵时,根据标志依次将洞口泥拨开,把卵取出。并剔除未受精卵、受精不良卵、畸形卵、壳上有黑斑的卵及壳破裂卵。收卵完毕,应整理好产卵场,天旱时适量喷些水,便于龟再次产卵。四、龟卵的人工孵化(一)常见的孵化设备有以下几种:一是室外孵化池,二是室外孵化场,三是室内孵化池,四是其它,如地沟孵化池、木制孵化箱、改进的恒温器作孵化器等。总之龟卵的孵化设备,基本同甲鱼卵的孵化设备差不多,能孵化甲鱼卵的设备就能孵化龟卵。 (二)龟卵孵化用砂有两种:一是甲鱼卵孵化用的石砂,二是泥土晒干捣碎拌河沙,经比较后者较好。卵的排列基本与甲鱼卵排列相似。 (三)龟卵的孵化主要掌握三个条件:温度。最好控制在28℃~31℃,不得高于34℃,不得低于26℃。 humidity.最好控制在80%~82%,砂子含水量最好控制在7%~8%,不得低于5.3%,不得高于25.0%,孵化期间,应每天定期检查沙子的湿度。检查时,可用手轻轻扒开沙子,观察含水沙层离表面的深度。如果直到靠近卵才出现湿润沙层,则用喷雾器在沙子表面喷水,使细沙层(5~6厘米厚)略带湿润即可,切不可在高温下大量洒水。一般2~3天洒水1次。通气。孵化期间,应防止表层板结而使卵不通气而闷死。 (四)龟卵孵化临近出苗时,用小耙疏松表层沙土,以利稚龟出壳。出壳的稚龟有趋水习性,这时要在孵化池的一端安置一个盛有半盆水的脸盆,便于稚龟爬入盆中。刚出壳的稚龟重3~7克,背部带土黄色,粗看似古代铜钱。待稚龟脐孔封闭、卵黄吸完后可放入稚龟池饲养。养龟的水管理技术一、水质成龟的高密度集约化养殖,水体小,自净能力差,故对水质的调控要特别注意。常规条件的龟鱼混养或单养,一般池塘较大,水较深,水生态系中的生物多样化程度较高,水的自净能力较强,水质容易控制。一般情况下,在水质过肥和黎明时容易缺氧,应及时注入新水或开动增氧机增氧。每隔10 ~15天加施生石灰(10毫克/升~15毫克/升)或漂白1~2ppm。二、水位成龟池水位,应保护1米左右,并视天气好坏而增减。过深,龟上下呼吸运动中消耗体力太大;过浅,水质多变,池的四周要留有较多的陆地供龟晒背休息。三、水温在加温条件下饲养的龟,水温尽量保持在30℃1℃~2 ℃的水平。常温养殖,早春、晚秋当气候尚不稳定,应适当加深水位,防止水温频繁、过急地变化;盛夏水温达到34℃~35℃时,应及时加深水位,以便降温。四、充气特别是集约化养殖的龟池,容易缺氧,产生有毒气体(沼气、硫化氢氧);及时充气、增氧能加速这些气体的逸出,净化水质。当池水透明度在30厘米上下、溶氧量大致在4毫克/升~5毫克/升,这时的环境最适于龟的生长。水中氨的浓度在20毫克/升~3 0毫克/升时,龟生长正常,70毫克/升时食欲减低,应及时换水,100毫克/升以上,容易引起疾病。稚龟、幼龟的饲养技术一、稚龟、幼龟池的条件(一)稚龟池稚龟池一般要求水泥砖石结构,建于室内室外均可,面积3~15平方米,池深除用来养稚龟外,还应考虑其它生产用途而定,池中一端或一边应留些陆地,便于稚龟上岸休息。 The food table is located at the junction of water and land.池内要搞好进、排水系统,进出水口要设防逃栏栅。 Conditions can also be placed on the pool cover barbed wire to shade heatstroke, anti-snake, birds, rats and other predators. (二)幼龟池幼龟池应考虑加温养殖。为便于温棚架设和饲养管理,一般50~80平方米。池呈长方形、水泥砖石结构,池壁高1.2~1.3米,池内蓄水深度可根据所养乌龟的个体大小而定。 The pool should be equipped with a feed table and a large area of ​​rest basking table to prevent the turtle from being drowned when it cannot find a rest place. Intake and drainage systems and heating equipment to support.二、稚、幼龟的饲养(一)稚龟的饲养刚出壳的稚龟比较娇嫩,不宜直接下池,可先让其在细沙上自由爬动,待脐带干脱收敛后,躯体由卷曲变为平直时,再将其放入室内盆、皿中暂养。 The first and second days of juvenile tortoises have not been absorbed because of the yolk and do not require external nutrition. Two days later, they began to feed leeches and cooked egg yolks, and they were fed several times a day. Each time they ate for the next time they were saturated, there was no surplus. After two days, they began to feed minced fish, shrimps, snails, and oysters. And mixed with a small amount of rice, wheat flour and other mixed feed. Change water daily to keep the basin clean. After a few days of indoor rearing, they can be transferred to hatchlings for feeding. Before entering the pool, use drugs for disinfection.放养密度每平方米不超过80只。 The feed requires fine, fine, soft, fresh, animal-based fish, shrimp, snails, clams, livestock and poultry organs, etc., supplemented by vegetable melons, vegetables, and wheat bran.有条件的最好投喂蛋白质含量在40%左右的人工配合饲料。稚龟池水深一般20~30厘米,养殖中要定期用药物对池水或稚龟消毒,以防病害发生。 After entering in October, when the water temperature drops to 15°C, warming culture conditions should be promptly transferred to greenhouse cultivation.无加温设备的,应采取越冬措施,如室外池薄膜覆盖保温法:先在池内放入泥沙,浇上水,使泥沙湿润,以手能将泥捏成团,不出水,又能使稚龟能占入泥沙为度。 Do not feed during the winter, but when the silt is too dry, sprinkle water properly to maintain the necessary humidity. When the temperature is too low, the straw can be covered with straw insulation. (二)幼龟的饲养目前幼龟大多采用加温养殖,每年10月水温下降到15℃时,将15克左右的龟转入加温室内养殖口加温方法可采用温泉水、工厂余热水或锅炉加温均可。水温最好控制在28℃~30℃。 The size, shape, and heating equipment of the aquaculture ponds can be referenced to soft-shelled turtle breeding equipment, but more rest benches should be provided. Juvenile turtle stocking density is generally about 30 / square meter.最好用配合饲料,蛋白质含量要在40%左右,日投饲量约占3%~5%。饲料中要经常拌入一些瓜、叶菜类的青料,并绞碎或榨成汁均可,同时,还应定期加入一些内服药物防病,每日上午8~9时,下午4~5时,各投喂一次,每次投量以吃饱且无剩料为准。幼龟加温养殖时,每三至五天应换水一次,注入新水前,要先除掉池底残饵,以保持水质清洁。 Every time the water is changed, the difference between the temperature of the input water and the discharged water generally does not exceed 3°C, and the amount of water changed is 1/3 of the total amount of water.如果全池换水,池底应冲洗干尽。 Every week, we must also use quicklime water to splash and regularly disinfect drugs in order to achieve the purpose of improving water quality, sterilization and disease prevention.

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