Efficient cultivation of sweet pepper

The bell pepper cultivation is labor-saving, low-input and high-efficiency. The fruit's pressure resistance, storage and transportation are very suitable for the development of large-scale commodity bases. However, in recent years, due to the development of climatic conditions and diseases, there has been a reduction in production or instability in production. Through the demonstration and promotion of new varieties in recent years, I believe that the cultivation of open-pepper sweet peppers can achieve higher economic benefits. Variety can choose to use the cultivar Yanyan No.4, which is bred by the Institute of Economic Crops of the Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences. It has strong growth potential, fruit lantern shape, beautiful fruit shape, green, large fleshy fruit, good storage and transportation, and high yield, on the market. Good sales. First, nursery transplanting in advance nursery, when the planting seedlings have been mostly bud, so that the plant can ensure effective growth in the appropriate season, that is, rapid flowering, results; and before the onset of the summer season, can quickly seal ridge, improve heat resistance Sex, reduce the occurrence of diseases, especially conducive to the suppression of viral diseases. This can bring about early results, achieve early maturation, high yield, and disease resistance, and can save land and seeds. From 2 to 3 true leaves, spray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 0.1% urea + 0.2% zinc sulphate mixed fertilizer solution every 7 to 10 days, spray 2 to 3 times to promote flower buds. Differentiate and increase plant disease resistance. 2 to 3 days before transplanting, seedling bed soil was irrigated with 25% metalaxyl 800 times or 64% antiviral WP 500 times or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times. The South Central South region can be planted by the end of April. Second, ridge cultivation due to growth in the summer, high temperature, drought or rain, but the shallow roots of pepper, easily lead to disease epidemic and root rot. Rigid cultivation facilitates concentrated fertilization and promotes plant growth as quickly as possible, while preventing rain and flood damage. After soil preparation, fertilization and rectification of small high ridges, the herbicide trifluralin was sprayed on the surface of the soil and 0.1 kg per mu was used. After application, it was mixed with the topsoil to prevent light from decomposing and immediately dredge the plastic film. Third, the rational density of planting density and soil strength, cornices and varieties and other factors. Appropriate control of population density can significantly improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions in the middle and later periods, which is beneficial to the thickening of the stems and the enhancement of plant resistance. The sweet pepper in the open field is generally cultivated in two plants. Each acre is planted with about 4000 holes. All localities can be properly adjusted according to the local conditions. In principle, all the ridges are closed before the high temperature period. This way, the leaves can shave the root system, lower the surface temperature, and maintain moisture. Reduce the occurrence of diseases. IV. Field Management Transplanting After easing seedlings (in early May), use 75% chlorothalonil WP 500 to 600 times or 64% WP WP 400 to 500 times or 77% to kill wettability Powder 500 times liquid spray to prevent the occurrence of diseases. As the climate is getting warmer, it should be promoted and it should not be seedlings. After planting, the small water is poured lightly, ground watering, avoid flood irrigation, timely drainage after the rain, water, cooling, timely top dressing, enhance plant resistance. Watering in hot weather should be poured in the morning or evening. Intercropping with high-stalk crops such as corn, cowpea and kidney bean can reduce direct sunlight, improve the microclimate in the field, and promote luxuriant foliage. Fifth, after the roots of the top dressing, the combination of spraying, foliar spraying of 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate + 0.2% zinc sulfate, once a week, especially to the middle and late, should pay attention to the top dressing, promote growth and Flower bud differentiation, reducing buds, falling flowers, and enhancing resistance. Spraying 0.1% calcium chloride aqueous solution or 1000 times copper sulfate liquid in the result period can reduce the occurrence of diseases such as sunburn. Author unit: Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences

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