Take various measures to actively respond to severe drought


In June, with the province's wheat, rape and other summer crops harvesting and leaving the field, rice will be concentrated into the planting period, farmland water consumption increased rapidly, but the current severe drought conditions, farmland, water shortage will inevitably affect the smooth planting of rice. In response, experts from the Provincial Agriculture Commission said in an interview with reporters that the drought at the previous stage caused crops in some areas of our province to be sowed in good time. If rain was still too little in June and the drought continued, the water supply to the farmland during the rice transplant was not timely. It will cause the seedlings to not be transplanted properly.

It is understood that delaying the transplanting period of rice will easily result in an increase in the proportion of large-scale alfalfa, which will lead to super-planting of the alfalfa, shortening the effective tillering period of rice, reducing the number of tillers, and insufficiency of the population. Moreover, due to the small growth space and poor quality, the young plants are not conducive to breeding. . In particular, the mechanical age of transplanting plants is small (average age of 15 to 20 days and leaf age of 3.5 to 4.5 leaves), and the time for transplanting will not be delayed in time due to the lack of water supply, resulting in over ageing of the seedlings, serious injury of machine seedlings, and deterioration of the quality of the seedlings after transplanting. Slow seedlings are long, live trees are slow to return to green, and severe seedlings do not cause stiff seedlings, affecting tiller formation and yield formation. The production should be based on the timing of planting and raising seedlings in accordance with the timing of early planting and arranging the plant, as well as scheduling of planting labor.

If rice cannot be supplied in time during the transplanting period, the following measures can be taken to increase the elasticity of age. First, the implementation of drought control, appropriate to reduce irrigation, seedlings do not roll leaf watering. The second is to properly spray paclobutrazol and other growth regulators to delay the growth rate of the seedlings and make the seedlings dwarf.

For the current drought, Dr. Chen Liugen, a rice cultivation researcher at the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said that if the drought cannot be resolved after wheat is harvested, water conservation measures should be taken. The planting of deep-water seedlings after transplanting should be used to promote rooting of the moistened tube water. During the planting period, a thin layer of water can be poured in the field, and after the living tree is planted, the wet and dry water layer management method will be adhered to. It is worth noting that the adoption of this type of irrigation often causes severe grass damage, and weeds must be removed from paddy fields.


What is the current impact of drought on cotton growth? Zhang Peitong, an expert in cotton cultivation research at the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said in an interview with reporters that cotton is a drought-tolerant crop, but drought and seedling growth will be greatly affected, and measures should be taken to classify it.

(1) Cotton fields that have not been transplanted. Because of the lack of soil moisture, the slow seedling period after transplantation is longer. In order to shorten the transplanting period, the following measures can be taken. First, transplanting with water. For the fields with poor water source conditions, the seedbeds are irrigated 5 days before transplanting so that the nutrient pods contain more water during transplanting, which helps the cotton seedlings to grow too slowly. The second is to transplant the film. Covering the mulching film can protect the locust and prevent pupa. It is beneficial to strengthen the resistance of the seedlings and promote the early growth and stability.

(2) Cotton fields that have been transplanted. Due to the prolonged drought, the surface soil loses water seriously. At this time, the cotton seedlings are rooted shallowly, and their water absorption capacity is weak. Even living trees may suffer from poor growth. For the drought-heavy fields, water should be poured in a timely manner. Wherever conditions permit, furrowing can be used to provide drought relief.

(3) Live cotton. Live cotton seedlings are deeply rooted and their roots have strong water absorption capacity. They are relatively less affected by the drought. The drought-prone land masses mainly show the emergence of irregular seedlings and should be replanted with water in time.

Zhang Peitong reminded that after the long drought, the cotton field ditch is generally poor. According to weather forecast, there may be a large amount of rainfall in the near future. The cotton field should pay attention to draughts and floods, and strengthen the field management before the wheat harvest to prevent field loss during wheat harvest. To cure a pest: to control locusts and other pests; in addition to a grass: cultivator weeding to reduce soil moisture evaporation; clear a ditch: clean up the field ditch, to ensure that the ditch is open, the rain is only dry, no surface water.


Researcher Yuan Jianhua, deputy director of the Grain Crops Research Institute of the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences and a maize research expert recently conducted a field survey of drought conditions in the corn fields in the surrounding areas of Nanjing. The survey results showed that the growth of fresh spring corn in these areas was greatly affected by the drought, mainly in the following aspects. The first reason is that the seedlings are poor after sowing, and the field is short of seedlings. The second is that the growth of seedlings is irregular and the seedlings are prominent. The third is the slow growth of plants, plant height is significantly lower than the same period in previous years, lack of growth. Among them, the sowing of earlier plots has a certain amount of rainfall due to the pre-growth stage and is less affected by the drought. In addition, in ordinary spring corn planting areas such as Nantong and Yancheng, corn growth has also been affected by drought conditions to a certain extent, with poor emergence and insufficient plant growth. However, because the soil in these areas is of sandy loam type, compared with Nanjing’s clay, post-seeding maize has strong viability, and the seedling stage is less affected by drought, especially in the fields covered with plastic film, and the growth of corn is basically not affected. influences.

Yuan Jianhua said that the fields for planting corn usually have poor water sources, and it is difficult to apply irrigation in dry years. It is difficult to adopt effective drought prevention measures. Fortunately, in the beginning of June, a large rainfall process may occur in our province. At that time, the drought situation can be alleviated, and the spring corn grows. Restored, the summer corn can also be normally sown. If short-term drought persists after the summer crops are harvested, they should not rush to sow rains, so as to avoid continuous sunny weather causing the soil surface temperature to rise too high, resulting in reduced seed germination rate of maize, affecting emergence, should wait until after rainfall, field soil moisture Seed sowing.

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