Ruby Hibiscus causes yellow leaves

The main reasons for the occurrence of yellow leaves in ruby ​​Xilinx are:

1 In the case of soil planting, yellow leaves occur due to rot. Soilless cultivation will also cause yellow leaves due to soil infection and plant rot.

2 climatic conditions are not suitable. If the room temperature is below 10°C in winter, long-term low temperature will produce rot and yellow leaves.

3 The air humidity is not suitable. If the pots are close to heating, stoves, or air conditioners, the air is too dry to make the leaves yellow and even die.

4 Insufficient light. Although ruby ​​xilinx does not like strong light, yellow leaves can also occur in dark places for a long time.

5 The long-term ventilation is poor, and the environment is caused by oxygen deficiency.

6 improper winter insulation, plants by cold wind, or improper summer heatstroke, high temperature for too long, can also cause acute water loss and dry leaves, yellow leaves.

7 improper fertilization. One is soilless potted plants. The concentration of nutrient solution is too high to cause yellow leaf; the second is that the PH value of the nutrient solution is too high, and iron deficiency can cause severe yellow leaves. Therefore, after the occurrence of yellow leaves, the causes should be specifically analyzed and appropriate measures should be taken.

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