Drink a cup of cucumber juice early to refresh the stomach

The nutritional value and health effects of cucumber

Cucumber is crispy, juicy, sweet and raw. It has a special fragrance. Cucumber contains 98% water, rich in protein, sugar, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, niacin, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients.

Cucumber contains vitamin B1, which is beneficial to improving brain and nervous system function, can calm down the nerves, and assist in the treatment of insomnia.

The cucurbitacin C contained in the cucumber has the function of improving the immune function of the human body and can achieve the purpose of anti-tumor. In addition, the substance can also treat chronic hepatitis. The alanine, arginine and glutamine contained in cucumber have certain auxiliary therapeutic effects on liver patients, especially alcoholic liver cirrhosis patients, and can prevent alcohol poisoning.

The cucumber's diuretic effect helps remove potentially harmful substances like uric acid in the blood. The cucumber is sweet and cool, with the effect of clearing away heat and water and detoxifying. It has unique effects on chest heat, diuresis, etc. It also has obvious effects on dehumidification, intestinal smoothing and analgesia. In addition cucumber can also treat burns, acne and so on. In addition, cucumber vines have a good antihypertensive and cholesterol-lowering effect.

Cucumber is a weight loss product. The fresh cucumber also contains propanol diacid, which can inhibit the conversion of sugars into fat. Cucumber also contains cellulose, which plays a role in promoting bowel movement, accelerating excretion, and lowering cholesterol. The heat of cucumber is very low, and it is an ideal dietetic good vegetable for high blood pressure, high blood lipids and diabetes combined with obesity.

Cucumber is also a beauty vegetable and has a name of "cosmetics in the kitchen." The cucumber enzyme contained in cucumber promotes the body's metabolism and eliminates toxins. Among them, vitamin C can whiten the skin, maintain skin elasticity, and inhibit the formation of melanin. Regular consumption or sticking on the skin can effectively resist skin aging, reduce wrinkles, and prevent cheilitis and angular cheilitis. The old cucumber is rich in vitamin E, can prolong life, anti-aging; cucumber cucumber enzyme, has a strong biological activity, can effectively promote the body's metabolism.

How to Eat Cucumber

Nutritionists believe that the better the natural dishes are, the better they can be, because vitamins are water-containing substances, and vegetables can easily cause loss of vitamins at a glance. Cucumber contains vitamin C, vitamin B family and many trace minerals. It contains rich nutrients, raw taste crisp and refreshing, nutrition will not be lost.

Studies have shown that cucumber skin contains rich nutrients and should be eaten raw. However, in order to prevent pesticide residues on the human body, cucumber skin should be soaked in salt water for 15 to 20 minutes before washing raw food. When soaking the cucumber with salt water, do not dig the roots and keep the cucumber intact to prevent loss of nutrients during the bubble process.

When eating cucumber, it is necessary to keep the cucumber, because cucumber contains more bittersin and the bitter component is cucurbitacin C, which is a rare detoxification food. The experiment confirmed that cucurbitacin C has obvious anti-tumor effect. .

If you're tired of frying cucumbers and cucumbers, then you can use your own cup of cucumber juice to drink. It tastes delicious and nutritious. It can be used to prevent oral diseases in the summer.

The practice of cucumber juice is very simple. Simply pick fresh cucumbers with sugar, or add cold water directly to the juicer and juice. If you feel that the taste of diluted cucumber juice is a little bitter, you can add some honey to taste.

A cup of cucumber juice in the morning can refresh the stomach, cucumber contains a lot of vitamins can also alleviate certain symptoms of inflammation, can prevent oral ulcers. Drinking a glass of cucumber juice daily can prevent hair loss, fingernail clefts, and enhance brain memory. Studies have shown that drinking cucumber juice is better than eating whole cucumbers.

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