Day lily cultivation techniques

Day lily, also known as full needle dish, is a perennial herb. It has the characteristics of strong adaptability, simple cultivation, and high economic benefits. In particular, Datong Day Lily has the advantages of good quality, long breadth, and delicious taste, and is well sold in the domestic market. It is also exported to Hong Kong, Southeast Asia and other regions, and is an ideal cultivated crop for increasing farmers' income and adjusting planting structure. The cultivation techniques are as follows.

First, soil fertigation

l. The selected soil is not strict with the soil, and both light and sandy soils can be planted. Because of its good water and fertility resistance to salt and alkali, it is best to choose the irrigated land under the second yin and pouring into the sloping land.

2. Deeply plowing the soil to deepen the soil is conducive to root growth. The depth is 20-30 cm. For 畦 (畦 6 meters long, 2 meters wide).

3. Applying basal fertilizer to the size of the pods and digging for centralized fertilization, generally 4,000 kg of high-quality farmyard fertilizer. Superphosphate 50 kg.

Second, planting

1. Select young seedlings of yellow seedlings generally from the old yellow years of growth to plan out 1/3 of the old root or seedlings with cuttings and buds. If old roots are used as seedlings, they must be shaken and “picked”, that is, remove the roots and rot roots in the middle of the rhizomes, leaving the upper layer of roots, each with a single bud.

2. Planting time Day lily can be planted except at the seedling stage and picking stage. Generally, the spring and autumn seasons are preferred, and the spring planting is conducted before and after Qingming and after the soil is thawed.

3. The planting pattern was planted in wide and narrow rows, each row was planted in 2 rows, with a 1.3-meter wide row spacing and a narrow row spacing of 0.6 meters. After planting, the seedlings are exposed on the surface and the seedlings are exposed to 1 cm above the ground surface and rehydrated.

1 Single-row hole planting method. An isometric triangle with a distance of 0.5 meters and 0.2 meters long in each hole, three plants per corner, 1400 holes per acre, and 4200 acres per acre.

2 single line double-strain method. Plant spacing 0.4 meters, 2 plants per hole, 3500 planting acres. 4 appropriate shallow planting, early into the rich period of lily planting depth and rich or sooner or later have a close relationship, planting shallow, fast food, early l-2 years into the rich period. According to a few years of practice, it is appropriate to plant a depth of 20 cm.

Third, the field management 'three minutes, seven points.' Strengthen the field management, early young yellow flowers can enter the rich period, the age of yellow flowers to extend the picking years, increase production.

1. After cultivating weeds and thawing in the early spring, the first time in spring, the ground was exposed and the first loose soil weeding should be performed. After the combination of water and fertilization, cultivators have been carried out several times to keep the soil loose and free of weeds.

2. Scientific fertilization Daylily is a perennial plant. Therefore, appropriate measures should be taken to ensure fertility requirements for the growth period of lily.

1 less stimulating Miao Fei. Before the emergence of day lily to the flower stems, Mushi 15 kg urea.

2 clever application of bud fertilizer. When the leaves of the plants are flush, when the buds are 15 to 20 cm, 30 kg of urea are applied in combination with the watering seedlings.

3 clever application of bud fertilizer. When the buds were drawn together, combined with watering, 10 kg of urea was withdrawn per acre.

4 light Bao Bao Fei. During the middle and later stages of the harvest, there are many buds and the application of 500-fold potassium dihydrogen phosphate every other week will make it easier for young buds to fade.

Applying wintering fertilizers to fertilize fertility and ensure high productivity in the coming year, combined with deep planing, Mushi quality farmyard fertilizer 3500 kg, superphosphate 50 kg.

3. Watering Day lily hi water, in the growth and development period to maintain a certain amount of soil moisture favorable high-yield, after emergence after convulsions, the first water must be poured enough; convulsions to picking, pouring 1 water every 1 week; harvest received final flowering period Keeping the soil wet and picking it, pour 1 water, extend the functional leaves, and accumulate nutrients for the next year's high yield.

4. Reasonable intercropping The first two years of the newly planted daylily, the seedlings are small, the yield is low, and some low-stalk crops such as melons, beans, potatoes and other crops can be planted between big lines.

5. When cutting old leaves in cold dew, the lily leaves are all yellow and must be cut off in order to burn off the dead grass and rotten leaves, so as to reduce the damage caused by the diseases in the following year.

6. The pests of day-lilies that have been deeply shaved for more than 3 years include mainly tigers, aphids and red spiders. When daylily began to turn green, it was treated with trichlorfon and sulforhodium to control the ground tiger. In summer, dimethoate and 20% amitraz insecticides were used to control locusts and spider mites. Prone to rust after harvest, can be sprayed with mancozeb control.

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