Laying hens for "Three Precepts"

One ordinal foods feed chickens. Some chicken farmers are accustomed to feeding chickens with raw grains such as corn or rice, which reduces feed utilization. The correct method of feeding is to crush raw grains such as corn, and formulate them with other ingredients, such as bran, bean cake, fish meal, bone meal, stone meal, etc., and then feed the chicken.

Two ring anal mop. Some chicken farmers are accustomed to inserting into the chicken's anus to touch the eggs. If the hands are unsanitary, it is easy to bring the bacteria into the chicken body. What to eat? (13) Live (2) Select (9)

The three rings suddenly changed their feed. Chickens have a habit of eating. If they suddenly change feed, they will inevitably have a strong stress reaction, affecting the appetite and egg production of chickens.

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