Tuberose cultivation techniques

Tuberose (Polianthestuberosa) is also known as tuberose, moonshine, amaryllidaceae, and tuberose. The white color of flowers is similar to that of jade carvings and has a rich aroma, especially in the evenings. Both cut flowers and garden flowers can be cultivated around the world, and some cities in the south of China are very popular.

Herbs perennial, with short, rhizome-like, tuber-shaped roots, rooted at the lower end, stems and lobes absent, erect stems erect, unbranched, basal leaves clustered. Slender banded leaves. Racemes terminal, white flowers, funnel-shaped, fragrant. The flowering period continued from the middle of July to mid-November, and there were varieties of slender tuberose. The leaves were narrow and the perianth tube was relatively slender. Commonly used in the cultivation of double-flowered flowers, flowers are more, about 24 to 32, on the quilt has lilac halo, lighter fragrance.

Tuberose native to Mexico and South America, warm temperate regions are widely distributed, southern China has cultivated. Hi sunshine, afraid of the cold. In the tropical and subtropical regions, there is no dormancy, and it can bloom in all seasons. In other regions, winter leaves fall asleep. Often cultivated for one year. General cultivation is not strong, after the frost in the ground in late November withered, the growth period of about 8 months. The soil is not strict, salt and alkali resistance, and fertile, loose soil is better.

More than the use of ball breeding, after the ground in late November withered after scooping underground stems, remove the shrinking old ball, usually each clump can be divided into 5 to 6 mature balls and 10 to 30 balls, dry after storage room dry place. When planting, the small and large balls are planted separately. Usually the ball can be cultivated after one year of cultivation.

Second, cultivation and management

l. Plant spacing in spring is 20cm30cm, and the depth of cultivation differs depending on the purpose. If a big ball promotes flowering, it is not easy to cover the soil too deeply, and it is appropriate to expose the surface of the ball slightly to the soil; if it is a small ball, it should be planted in order to promote its long ball. If the ball is found to be too dry before planting, it can be soaked in cold water for about 2 days. Choose sunny and warm weather when planting and prevent the rainball from rot. When first planted, the seedlings were small, grew slowly, and had less watering. If the soil is heavy, some fine sand can be placed near the bulb to facilitate drainage and rooting. Watering after leafing should not be excessive to promote root growth.

2. Fertilize the base fertilizer before planting. When the stems and stems are pumped, the water and fertilizer should be sufficient. Fertilization and watering should be carried out at the same time. After the fall, the stems and leaves will wither, and the ground shall be cut off, and the bulbs shall be excavated and stored in time.

3. After harvesting bulbs withered in the ground in November, the underground stems were excavated and the old bulbs were removed. After drying, they were stored in a dry place indoors and the temperature was required to be 10-15°C.

4. The cultivation of potted plants is generally planted in late November. The plants were then placed in a greenhouse and maintained at 18°C ​​for early April-May flowering. Pay attention to ventilation. If the cultivation is promoted, the conditions of a high-temperature greenhouse are required. In October, the bulbs were planted in a greenhouse and maintained at a high temperature of 25°C. Pay attention to ventilation and top dressing, and flower before the Spring Festival. Cut flowers should be cut at the base of the inflorescence when it is harvested. The vase can be inserted for about 10 days.

Third, in order to make potted tuberose more flowering, open fragrant flowers, should pay special attention to soil, fertilizer and light three links.

Potted tuberose uses sandy loam. When planting pots, add more coarse sand to the bottom of the pot to increase its drainage permeability. When the soil is hardened due to frequent watering, loose soil should be given in time, and the basin is always kept in a well-pervious state. Tuberose is more salt-tolerant and can be sprayed with ordinary river water, pool water or tap water. As long as the temperature conditions are suitable, potted tuberose may flower throughout the year.

Potted tuberose topdressing phosphate fertilizer during flowering. The tuberose flowering period is from July to November. During this period, it has been flowering continuously. Due to the limited nutrients in the potting soil, in addition to the base fertilizer must be applied when changing the pot or planting, it must be in the whole process of buds and flowering. Discontinuously chasing quick-acting phosphate fertilizers to meet their growth and flowering needs. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate and decomposed cake fertilizer can be used as fertilizer.

Potted Tuberose should be given full light during flowering. People know that the reason for the fragrance of flowers is that flowers contain scented special substances - essential oils. It is usually present in the oil cells of flowers in a free state and can be volatilized during the day and night. The essential oil of tuberose is very strange in oil cells. It does not exist in free state, but exists in the way of binding to carbohydrates as a test compound. Only under the action of a certain hydrolase, the sugar bonds are Cut open to release the scent. Due to the lower temperature and higher humidity during the daytime, the activity of hydrolase was enhanced, so that they could send bursts of fragrance to people at night. Therefore, potted tuberose should receive more light during the day to allow it to accumulate more organic matter. In the evening, sprinkle water to increase the humidity around the plant. In the evening, the inflorescence will exude a more intense aroma.

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