What foods in spring are anti-allergy

Anti-skin allergy in the spring, in addition to external skin care products, but also need to regulate the internal circulation from the diet. Eat more anti-allergic foods in spring: broccoli, garlic, and celery.

As the weather gets warmer, the dust, pollen, and bacteria in the air drift around the wind and it is easy to cause skin allergies and seasonal allergies. In this regard, the American Rockdale website recommends several foods that fight allergies, so that everyone can have a comfortable spring.

As a leading ingredient in cruciferous ingredients, broccoli can prevent nasal blockage. In addition, its rich vitamin C is also an expert in allergic symptoms. Researchers found that daily intake of 500 mg of vitamin C can effectively suppress allergies, and 240 grams of raw broccoli contain 80 mg of vitamin C. In addition, citrus fruit is also a good choice, such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons, etc. For example, a large orange contains nearly 100 mg of vitamin C.

The quercetin contained in onion and garlic is another powerful weapon against allergies, and its effect is similar to that of antiallergic drugs. In addition, Apple also contains this substance, which can be eaten in moderation.

Celery is also an ideal anti-allergic food because it can effectively inhibit the secretion of substances that can cause allergies. At the same time, celery also has a beneficial effect on urine, so when it is consumed, it is necessary to determine the dosage according to one's physical condition. Those with spleen and stomach deficiency cannot eat it every day.

To combat allergies, you can also drink a health soup. Plant expert Dr. James Duke recommends an allergy-free soup: chop an onion and a clove of garlic and boil it. After boiled for 5 minutes, add 200 grams of it. Castor leaves, 240 grams of celery stems, continue to cook for 3 to 10 minutes, then seasoned with cooking wine, salt, black pepper or red pepper, etc., can be drunk.