Sweet pepper anthrax prevention and control countermeasures

Anthracnose in sweet pepper occurs in various places, including black anthrax and red anthrax. Black anthrax: Leaves and fruits can be affected, especially mature fruits and old leaves. The lesions are brown on the fruit, water-stained, and the disease department is sag. It is oblong or irregular in shape. It has slightly raised concentric ring patterns and produces numerous small grains (spore disks). Stems and fruit stems suffer damage, brown spotted dents, irregular shape, epidermis easily broken. Red anthrax: Occurred in young fruit and mature fruit. The surface overflows light red or pink viscous material when wet. High temperature and humidity, continuous cropping, poor drainage, over planting, excessive nitrogen fertilizer, poor ventilation, and virus disease and heavier sunburn affect other factors. Anthrax is also a serious disease. 1. The disease-free fruits were selected for agricultural control; the diseased fruits and diseased plants and diseased leaves were promptly removed after harvesting; the nursery beds and soybeans and melons and vegetables were rotated for 2-3 years; the plants were properly planted at a density of 4000-6000 holes per acre. Two strains are appropriate; adequate base fertilizer, appropriate application of phosphorus and Potassium fertilizer; pay attention to cultivator weeding; gutter drainage, timely ventilation; timely prevention and treatment of leaf diseases. 2. Chemical control (1) soaking with warm water of 55°C for 10 minutes before sowing, sowing after cooling. (2) Seed soaking with 500% 50% carbendazim for 1 hour. (3) Soak seeds in cold water for 10-12 hours and then soak in seeds with 1% copper sulfate solution for 5 minutes. Mix appropriate amount of hydrated lime or grass ash and mix until the acidity is neutralized. (4) Spray 75% chlorothalonil 500-800 times at the beginning of the disease; or 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc 400-500 times. Any one of the above agents may be sprayed once every 7 days for 2-3 consecutive times. In addition, 22% chlorothalonil smoke can be used to seal smoke in the evening, even smoked three times, the effect is better.

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