Stroke patients diet taboo

Stroke is also called stroke. There are two types: ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. Stroke is the collective name of Chinese medicine for acute cerebrovascular diseases. The main factors that cause strokes are the following:

1. Artery damage Any factor that causes cerebral arterial disease can be the cause of stroke.

2. Abnormal blood rheology (increased blood viscosity, blood concentration).

3, hemodynamic abnormalities (hypotension, radiation sickness).

4, abnormal blood components (various embolism, red blood cell abnormalities, abnormal platelets, white blood cell abnormalities, coagulation factor abnormalities).

5. Some secondary factors (tumor: tumor embolus, tumor necrosis or invasive arterial hemorrhage).

What can a patient with stroke not eat?

If you continuously enter a high-fat, high-calorie diet for a long period of time, blood lipids can be further increased, blood viscosity can increase, and arterial sclerosis plaques can easily form, eventually leading to recurrence of thrombosis. Do not eat fat meat, animal organs, fish eggs, etc., Eat less peanuts and other foods containing more fat, high cholesterol; hanged or less use of whole milk, butter, egg yolk, fat pork, fat lamb, fat beef, liver, viscera, Butter, lard, butter, goat oil, coconut oil; fried, fried, barbecued, not cooked.

Avoid fat sweet and salty stimuli to help the fire oysters: less sweet drinks, cream cake intake; not eat too much sauce, pickles and so on.

Avoid raw, cold, spicy spicy food: such as white wine, Ma Jiao, spicy hot pot, etc., there are hot foods such as strong tea, green beans, sheep, dog meat and so on.

Avoid smoke, alcoholism: smoke poisoning can damage the blood vessel intima, and can cause small blood vessels to contract, lumen narrowing, and thus easy to form a thrombus; a lot of reference to strong alcohol, harmful to the blood vessels. According to the survey, alcoholism is one of the causes of stroke.

What can be appropriate for stroke patients?

Milk: Contains a factor that lowers the concentration of cholesterol in the serum. Milk also contains a lot of calcium, which also reduces the absorption of cholesterol.

Soybeans: Contains a substance that lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, patients with high cholesterol and lipids are more likely to benefit from soy and soy products.

Ginger: Contains a kind of oleoresin, which has obvious hypolipidemic and cholesterol-lowering effects. Experts have conducted animal experiments to prove that ginger can inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine and reduce the cholesterol level in the blood.

Garlic: Contains volatile hormones that can eliminate fats that accumulate in blood vessels. It has a significant lipid-lowering effect and is a good medicine for preventing hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis.

Eggplant: Contains good vitamin P, which can increase the elasticity of capillaries, and has a certain effect on the prevention and treatment of hypertension, arteriosclerosis and stroke.

Fungus: Contains a polysaccharide substance that lowers cholesterol in the blood, which can reduce weight and fight cancer.

Oats: Contains b-vitamins and lecithin, which has the effect of lowering cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Regular intake can prevent atherosclerosis.

Sweet potato: It can supply a large amount of collagen and mucopolysaccharides to the human body and maintain the elasticity of the arteries.

Hawthorn: Contains triterpenoids and flavonoids, which has the effect of strengthening and regulating the myocardium, increasing the amplitude of cardiac contraction and coronary blood flow, and also lowering serum cholesterol. Therefore, it is beneficial for patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases to eat more food.

Tea: Contains caffeine and tea polyphenols, which can refresh, strengthen heart, diuretic, eliminate greasy and reduce lipids. Drinking tea regularly can prevent the increase of cholesterol in the body.

Marine fish: Marine fish have more unsaturated fatty acids in fish oil, which has the effect of reducing blood fat. Clinical studies have shown that plasma lipids are reduced in people who eat more fish. Therefore, it can prevent arteriosclerosis and stroke.

Tangerine: rich in vitamin c, eat more can improve the liver's detoxification ability, accelerate the conversion of cholesterol, reduce serum cholesterol and lipid content.