The principle of parents picking up snacks for their children

8 Principles for Children Eating Snacks

1, time: Do not be too close to the dinner. Snacks are best arranged between meals.

2, choose: fresh, easy to digest. Choose fresh, natural snacks and eat less fried, sugary, salty snacks.

3, the amount: a small amount and moderate. Snacks cannot exceed meals in the amount of food consumed, and the premise for snacking is when the child is hungry.

4, frequency: no more than 3 times a day. If you use too many times, you will accumulate even fewer snacks each time.

5. Method: Snacks are not rewards. Do not use snacks as a means to reward, punish, comfort or please children. For a long time, the baby will think that the rewards are all good and will be more dependent.

6. Play: Do not eat snacks. When playing, babies often inadvertently eat too much snacks, or serious snacks will be picked up, picked up, so eat snacks to stop and run after playing.

7, thirsty: drink less sugary drinks. Whitewater is the best beverage, and babies should be encouraged to drink more white water, drink less sugary drinks, and develop good drinking habits.

8, before and after eating snacks, pay attention to health. Wash your hands before eating snacks and rinse your mouth after eating snacks to prevent disease and dental caries.

Three principles for parents to choose snacks for their children

Principle One: Try to choose natural foods. Such as: fruits, vegetables, milk, yogurt and so on.

Principle 2: Try to choose foods with less food additives. Even the snacks you prepare for your children are good, because those creamy and strawberry flavors may have been added.

Principle 3: Try to choose low-sugar, low-salt foods. Avoid metabolic disorders in children and increase the risk of chronic diseases.

Many snacks are now unhealthy and harmful to the children's growth and development. However, it is certainly not possible to prohibit children from eating snacks. Therefore, parents must correctly guide their children to eat snacks and try to make them like healthy and avoid them. Junk food.