Rape is hi boron fertilizer, boron deficiency should reduce production

Boron is one of the essential nutrients for the growth and development of rapeseed. Its boron content in dry matter is 32.5- to 36-fold higher than that of wheat and rice and other grasses. Generally, if there are more plants in the field, symptoms of boron deficiency will reduce production by at least 2 ~30%, almost no harvest when severe. The symptoms of boron deficiency in rapeseed are very different due to different levels of boron deficiency. In severe cases, the seedlings are atrophied and die, and lighter ones develop symptoms after flowering. The roots of the diseased plants are stunted. The fibrous roots are not long, the epidermis turns brown, some root and neck enlarge, and the cortex cracks. The leaves become dark green at first, the leaf shape becomes smaller, the leaf mass becomes thicker, becomes brittle, the leaf ends are rewinded, and the leaf is not flat. Then it turned purple from the edge of the lower middle of the leaf, and developed into the interior, and then became blue-purple; the yellow veins and its nearby tissues turned yellow, resulting in the formation of blue and purple patches. Finally, some leaf margins die and the entire leaf turns yellow and falls off early. After twitching, the growing point atrophies or dies, the blastocyst splits, the transmission system and fertilization are destroyed, the carbohydrates are retained in the leaves, the flowering is slow, the inflorescences are shortened, the small branches are clustered, the flowering is not strong (commonly known as "flowers but not real"). ) or grain is not full, mature corner fruit as short as radish. The epidermis of keratinocytes and stalks become purple-red or blue-purple, longitudinal rips appear in the middle and lower cortex of stalks, and cracks appear in the upper part. Prevention and remedial measures In the soil with severe boron deficiency, 0.5 to 1 kg of borax was used as a basal fertilizer for Mushi during soil preparation. The use of seedlings for transplanting rapeseeds and the application of 15 to 25 kg of boron-magnesium fertilizer before transplanting had good results. 2. In rape seedlings, before bolting, during the early flowering period or when boron deficiency is found in the plants, foliar spraying with 0.1 to 0.2% borax solution is used.

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