Prevention and Control of Diseases and Pests and Other Disasters in Hazelnut Garden

After more than 10 years of Pingou hybrid hazelnut and European hazel cultivation tests, the disease of cultivated hazelnut is very slight and the pests are also less. The main insect pests are leaf pests, and the prevention and control are relatively easy. The cultivated hazelnuts are sprayed 1 to 3 times a year, which is relatively provincial work. Here are some common pests and diseases:

I. Diseases and Prevention

Hazelnut powdery mildew (hazelnut powdery mildew, powdery mildew)

1. Hazardous

Hazelnuts occur in the Northeast in this disease. The main damage to the leaves can also invade shoots, shoots, and fruit pods. At the onset of leaf disease, no obvious yellow spots appeared on the leaves and leaves, and white powder appeared on the macula soon after. The chlorosis on the back of the lesion causes the leaves to turn yellow, distorted, coke, and early leaves. If the bud is seriously damaged, the leaf cannot be developed. When the branch shoots are victimized, white powder is also produced on it, the cortex is rough and cracked, the branches are delayed in lignification, the growth is weak, and they are prone to frost damage. When the fruit is damaged, it gives birth to white powder and then turns yellow and twists. In August, small particles (closed shell) were scattered on the white powder layer, which was yellowish-brown at first, then turned dark brown.

2. Transmission routes and conditions

The powdery mildew was overwintering in the leaves, buds, and lesions of new shoots. Spores were produced in the spring of the following year. The wind was transmitted to the hazelnut tree to cause the initial infection. After the white powder was generated, it could spread and invade many times. Hazel trees often spread from the central diseased tree to neighboring trees when they become infected. If the disease conditions are suitable, the transmission speed is very fast. In southern Liaoning Province, the incidence is generally severe in June, and in northern Liaoning, most occur in July. In the dense plant, poor ventilation, soil viscosity, low moisture and other conditions are conducive to the occurrence of the disease.

3. Control methods

(1) If a diseased plant is found, diseased leaves should be promptly eliminated. If it is a central diseased plant, all of them should be cut down to reduce the source of disease. For dense clusters, appropriate thinning or thinning can be performed to improve ventilation and light transmission conditions, and to enhance the disease resistance of the tree.

(2) Chemical control from the beginning of May to the beginning of June, spraying 50% carbendazim WP to 600 to 1000 times, or spraying 50% thiophanate-methyl WP 800 to 1000 times to the hazel tree, Or spray 0.2 ~ 0.3Be lime sulfur mixture, can achieve good control effect. When using lime sulfur, care should be taken not to use it in hot, hot summers to avoid phytotoxicity.

Second, pests and their prevention

The hazel pests are mainly hazelnut weevil fruit, followed by scale insects such as scale insects, wood moths and chafers.

(i) Hazelnut weevil (hazel, hazel)

1. Hazardous

Hazelnut weevil feed on shoots, young leaves, and tender shoots with adults so that the tender shoots are incomplete, and the young leaves are pinhole-shaped and shoots are broken, which affects the growth of new shoots. Adults can also pierce the young fruit with an elongated head tube and eat the young embryos in the young fruit. The fruit forms a brown-brown dry shrinkage. The young embryos stop developing and the fruits fall off early. When the larvae break into the fruit, they will eat hazelnuts. Partially or completely eaten, and place the feces in the fruit.

There are more pests in the northeast region than in the wild. The cultivated hazelnuts have not yet found such pests, but they must be vigilant to prevent the pests from being introduced into the garden.

2. Life history and habits

In Liaoning, there were 1 generation in 2 years and a few in 3 generations and 1 generation. 2 years, 1 year, 3 years old, often old and young

Pests and adults overwinter in the soil. It was unearthed in early May of the following year and began to move under the litter layer. In mid-May, the adults entered the tree and began to feed on young leaves. In late May, the adults entered their peak period. In late June, the hazelnut fruit development period, when the adult began to copulate, lay eggs in young fruit. In the middle of July, the spawning period is high and the egg period is 10 to 14 days. In early July, larvae were hatched in the fruit, and in mid-July, they were hatched. When the larvae fed the fruit for nearly 1 month, they developed into mature larvae. In early August, when hazelnuts mature, the mature larvae fall down to the ground, and after the fruit is removed, they drill to the depth of 20~30cm to prepare for winter. The middle and late August is the height of the soil. The phlegm began in early July in the third year of the year and entered the end of July. The pupa period was about half a month. The new adult began to appear in mid-July and the adult eclosion peaked in mid-August. In the case of new emergence, the adults will not be exhumed in the past year and they will be transferred to wintering conditions.

3. Control methods

Hazel weevils have a wide range of occurrences, long and complex life history, overlapping generations alternately. Therefore, prevention and control cannot be achieved simply by chemical control, and comprehensive prevention must be taken.

(1) Chemical control: The supplemental nutrition period and the initial stage of spawning before adult oviposition, ie from mid-May to early July, 60% of the DM mixture is used to kill the adults with high concentrations of 300 times, and the hazelnuts are fully prepared. Treatment, spray a total of 2 to 3 times, interval time 15 days, 0.1kg per mu application. Or use 50% nitrile loose emulsion and 50% chlordane emulsion, both in a 1:4 ratio, and then use their 400-fold spray to kill adult worms. In the fruit before fruit removal and pest fruit shedding period, that is, from late July to mid-August, 4 to DM powder was poisoned on the ground to kill fruit-removing larvae, and the dosage per hectare was 22.5 to 30 kg.

(2) When artificially collecting hazelnuts for centralized harvesting, concentrated larvae are eliminated, that is, larvae are picked before the larvae have been removed. They are then piled up on a clean concrete floor or on a wooden board and concentrated when the larvae are removed. wipe out. Hazelnuts that are particularly severe in fruit, low in yield and without food value can be eliminated early in the harvest from the late July to the beginning of August.

(b) Scarab

The main damages to the hazel trees by the scarab pests are the black cashmere beetle, the apple hairy beetle, and the betel green beetle.

1. Black cashmere chafer

(1) Harmful harm to young shoots and young leaves of hazel.

(2) Life history and habits occur one generation in one year, and the adults spend winter in the soil.

In mid-April, the adult was unearthed. The peak of exhumation occurred from late April to early May. Before and after the sunset, the adults climbed out of the earth and flew to the trees to harm the buds and leaves. They were buried in the soil from 2l:00 to 22:00. Adults mostly lay eggs in wasteland, green manure or garden crops, and adults have a false-death habit.

(3) Prevention and control methods During the harmful period of adult, 30% methamidophos or 1605 powder can be withdrawn under the canopy of the hazel tree, and 25 to 50 g of shallow earthworms are killed in the soil. When the adult tree is damaged by the tree, it is shaken off artificially. Adults drill into the soil and the poisoning is dead.

2. Penis chafer

(1) Harmful harm to young leaves of hazel trees. Larvae damage young roots in the ground. When it happens, the adults colonize the leaves and eat all the young leaves.

(2) The life history and habits occur one generation in one year, and adults live in the soil during the winter. In mid-April, adults emerged to harm the leaves. Adults began to spawn in early May. After about 10 days, the eggs hatched larvae and sent their young roots. Until late autumn, the adult eclosion winters in the soil.

Adults do not move sooner or later. When the temperature rises before and after noon, the adults fly into hazelnuts to feed on the leaves. They have a false death habit and are slightly alerted to fall.

(3) The control method uses adult dead-dead habits. When the adult is not active in the morning or evening, it can be trampled to death by artificially knocking down adults, or removing 30% methamidophos or 1605 powder in advance on the ground. When the adult occurs, 50% of monocrotophos 500 times can be sprayed, and the effect is very good.

3. Copper green chafer

(1) Hazardous species harm the leaves of hazel trees, which are often incompletely bitten, or eaten in full, leaving only petiole.

(2) Life history and habits occur one generation in one year. The old mature larvae live in the soil. In the following year, larvae were eliminated in May and adult eclosion emerged in late June. Adults are mostly active at night and about 19:00 to 20:00 in the evening, the adults accumulate trees to harm the leaves. Adults have a strong phototaxis and suspended dead habits. Adults often produce eggs in planted legumes and pods. The eggs last for about 10 days. The hatched larvae endanger the roots.

(3) Prevention and control methods During the upper and middle of June, the adult pests were sprayed with 50% monocrotophos 500 times solution or 50% dimethoate emulsion 500 times solution and 40% dimethoate emulsion 800-1000 times solution.

Using the phototaxis of adults, adults can use light to seduce adult worms when they become adults, or they can be ignited by hazel orchards. Adults fly to the fire and are burned or shaken.

Table 7-1 Morphological characteristics of several scarabs

Name Black cashmere beetle apple hair chafer copper green chafer

Alias ​​oriental beetle hairy beetle blue beetle

Adult morphological features are about 8mm in length, brownish black, brownish black on the body, and short fuzz on the body. The copper on the back of the head is engraved. Both sides of the abdomen have distinct yellow-white hairs. Wing sheath tea brown, shiny body length of about 19mm, the body back copper green. The front and back of the chest are dark green with light, and the front and back sides have yellow sides

Hazardous area harms buds and clusters of young leaves Harmful leaves, flowers Damaged leaves

(c) Scale insects

The scale insects such as Pterocidae, Brown-faced scale insects, Hymenoptera scale insects, etc. all harmed the hazel tree, especially the pear circle scale insects. The world-wide pests are the main quarantine objects. It occurs in the Northeast and East China regions.

1. Pear circle insect

(1) Harmonia harmonalis mainly harms apples and pears, and also harms more than 100 species of plants such as walnuts and hazelnuts. It is often adult, and the nymphs are attached to the main stems, twigs, leaves and fruit surfaces of the tree to absorb nutrients. After the branches are damaged, they are easily weakened and die.

(2) Life history Pyriacidae scale insects occur in Liaoning, Hebei and Shandong provinces for 3 generations in 1 year. The 2nd instar larvae or a small number of female adults adhere to the shoots for winter, and continue to be harmed in April of the following year. In mid-May, Nymphs develop into adults. After the emergence of males, they copulate with female adults. In early June, the female adults began to give birth. The early nymphs crawled on the shoots and then settled down. The mouthparts were inserted into the parasite to absorb nutrients and secrete wax to form a shell. Due to different wintering conditions, the farrowing period is very long and overlaps from generation to generation. The first generation generally occurs in May-June, the second generation occurs in July-September, and the third generation occurs in September-November. After the nymphs climbed out of the shell and peeled three times, the males larvae and then emerged. Adult males become adults, female nymphs become female adults two times, and then copulation breeds new harms. Their natural enemies are red dot ladybugs.

(3) Prevention and control methods In view of the long period of occurrence and overlap of generations of the pear scale insects, comprehensive control measures must be taken.

1 Overwintering control: If there is a small amount of overwintering or female adults on the branches that can be damaged by artificial brush hazel. If widespread and staged, then in the early spring (northern in the first half of April), before the overwintering worms have been harmed, the old bark and skins should be scraped to expose the worms in the gap, and then 3 to 5 limestones should be sprayed. Mixture or 5% diesel emulsion. Control during this period is very important.

2 Prevention and control during the growth period: In the overwintering males and male adults of each generation, the emergence period and the infancy of the first instar nymphs are the critical period for chemical control. Use 0.3 to Be lime sulfur, detergent 300 times, or 40% dimethoate emulsion, or 50% dichlorvos 1500 times.

3 Protect natural enemies: In the growing period of hazelnuts, try to avoid the use of broad-spectrum insecticides with long residual effect to facilitate the occurrence of scale insects, the natural enemies of scale insects.

4 Strengthen the quarantine of the plants: When raising the seedlings in the place where the insects occur, the seedlings and scions transferred for transportation shall be inspected strictly to prevent the insects from spreading along with the seedlings and introducing new gardens.

2. Mizukiakie scale insects

(1) Hazardous species harm the shoots and sucks the sap. The branches are weak and die after being damaged.

(2) The history of life occurs in 1 generation in 1 year, and the young nymphs live on branches. From late May to early June of the following year, female adults laid eggs in shells. After the eggs hatch, the larvae climb out of the mother's shell and fix the damage on the shoots.

(3) Prevention and control methods should grasp two aspects: First, spray 5% heavy diesel emulsion before germination of hazel to eliminate overwintering nymphs; Second, spray 0.2% of larvae out of female husk (about mid-late June). ~0.3Be lime sulfur or 50% killer emulsion 1000 times liquid control.

(four) wood moth

1. Hazardous

The larvae mainly damage the hazel branches and branches of the European hazel. After the damage, the branches are yellow and dead and easily broken.

2. Life history and habits

One generation per year occurs. The larvae overwinter in the shoots. The following year they are transferred to the base of new shoots. They firstly make a ring around the branches between the cortex and xylem, and then feed on the longitudinal tunnel along the pith, at regular intervals. Outward, open a row of fecal holes. Damaged shoots are easy to wither and larvae are transported several times. From May to June, the larvae mature. In the pupa, the larvae connect the debris and block the two ends, and they bite a hole outward. After the emergence of the adult larvae, the eggs lay on the branches of the buds, shoots, or leaves. The scattered grains gather together and break into new shoots after hatching so that the new shoots will easily die.

3. Control methods

1 timely cut off the victim's shoots.

2 In the oviposition period of adults, the shoots were sprayed with 50% parathion-emulsion 500 times solution to kill hatching larvae.

85 ~ l0 months with 40% Dimethoate emulsion 25 ~ 50 times perfusion borehole, with yellow mud closed to kill larvae; or with 80% dichlorvos 10 to 20 times liquid, blocking cotton ball boring, smoked larvae.

4 branches dry white to prevent spawning.

Third, other natural disasters and their prevention

The natural disasters that occur frequently in hazel trees include frost damage, freezing drought, frost, and fishing. In order to prevent or reduce the occurrence of such disasters, the following basic measures should be taken.

1 Pay attention to the selection of hazelnut gardens and avoid setting up a garden where the above-mentioned disasters occur frequently.

2 Actively creating conditions, such as establishing shelter forests, increasing organic matter, improving soils, and doing well in soil and water conservation work, are all conducive to the prevention of various disasters. In areas with high rainfall, sorghum cultivation can be adopted to prevent flooding. In arid regions, cultivators, weeds, covers, and water storage are used to strengthen drought-resistant cultivation measures in the root distribution layer.

3 Strengthen the comprehensive management technology of Hazelnut Park and maintain strong tree vigor and enhanced resistance.

The disasters and prevention and control measures that directly affect the production of hazel trees, such as frost damage, freezing drought, frost, and flood damage, are described as follows:

(I) Freezing damage

It refers to the injury or death of the cells and tissues of the hazel tree caused by the subzero temperatures below -4°C for European hazel and -30°C for hybrid hazelnuts.

1. The performance and causes of freezing injury

Hazel freeze injury is generally expressed as larvae l ~ 2 years old branches, slightly frost damage, only the pith brown; heavy, branches dry. Perennial branches freeze damage, often show partial frostbite frostbite, frostbite part, cortex brown, and then gradually dry. When the buds are frozen, the buds are cracked, the scales are open, and the buds are dry; the male inflorescences are frozen, the anthers are dark brown, and the male inflorescences are not able to open normally.

Causes of frost damage: The factors that affect the occurrence of hazel damage are complex. In terms of internal factors, frost damage is closely related to species, age, vigor, current maturity of the shoots, and wintering exercise. From the aspect of external factors, it has great influence on geographical location, soil topography and weather factors of the year. Hazelnuts vary greatly in their cold resistance because of different species and varieties. European hazel has poor cold resistance and can only tolerate -4°C to -6°C during the dormancy period, while hybrid hazelnuts can tolerate low temperatures of -30°C. European hazelnut scales are small and loose, buds are easily frozen, hybrid hazelnuts have many bud scales, and the package is tight and the buds are not susceptible to freezing. The strong ripeness of the shoots and the accumulation of nutrients are more resistant to cold; on the contrary, the ripeness of the shoots is poor, not substantial, and the accumulation of nutrients is low, the cold resistance is weak, and it is prone to frost damage. The strong hazel tree has stronger cold resistance than the weak growth. Meteorological conditions are the direct cause of freezing damage. Continuous low temperature, soil drought and air drying will aggravate freezing injury. The branches on the sunny side are more severe than the branches on the dark side. Snow-covered hazelnut hazel trees are more conducive to wintering. High temperatures in winter can significantly reduce hazel frost damage.

2. The main measures to prevent freezing injury

(1) Breeding cold-resistant varieties This is the most fundamental and effective measure and an important approach for preventing freezing. For example, Pingyang hybrid Hazelnuts, such as flat yellow, thin shell red, Dawei, Jinling, jade pendant and Pingou No.3, No.9 and No.21, which have been cultivated for cold and high yield, can withstand -30°C low temperature in dormancy period. , in the Shenyang area (latitude 42 north latitude) can be exposed to winter.

(2) Adapting to local conditions, suitable for cultivation, such as the European hazel suitable for cultivation in the Yellow River-Yangtze River basin, south of 32 to 36 degrees north latitude, with an average annual temperature of 13°C~16°C. Hybrid hazelnut varieties can be cultivated in the areas south of Shenyang to the Yellow River Basin (latitude 42-32 degrees north) in an annual average temperature of 7°C to 7.5°C.

(3) Strengthen the comprehensive management technology of the annual cycle, it plays an important role in improving its cold resistance, such as strengthening the supply of N and moisture in the spring, promoting strong growth in the early period, making branches strong and robust; controlling N fertilizer and moisture in the later period, Increase P, K fertilizer and summer pruning, prompting the new shoot to stop growing in time, make it fully mature, accumulate nutrients, receive exercise, go to sleep in time, improve cold resistance, especially young trees are particularly important.

(4) Strengthen the wintering protection of the tree After the hazel plantation, the soil should be soiled at the base of the trunk every year before the soil is frozen. The height is 25~30cm. In addition, wind barriers, grass bales, and white paint have certain effects.

(ii) Freezing and drought (drafting)

After the winter of the hazel tree, the phenomenon of dehydration and dryness is called freeze-dry, also known as pumping.

1. Performance and Causes of Hazel Draw

Hazel tree trunks showed dry and dry water, skin shrinkage, xylem white, dry, buds can not be normally open, resulting in incomplete canopy, tree disorder, the results are not guaranteed. In severe cases, the entire canopy of the tree died. The order of drawing is 1 year old, 2 years old, perennial branches and even trunks, such as Corylus avellana often appeared in Dalian due to freezing and drying. Scrapping reason:

1 Because soil moisture or soil temperature is too low during winter and spring, the roots have not yet been able to absorb water because they have not yet been active, while the above-ground shoots are strongly transpirationd due to the dry and windy air, causing serious water loss to the plants. Drainage belongs to physiological drought, and it is not caused by low temperature freezing injury.

2 Internal causes of the tree: Different varieties have different anti-freeze and drought-resistance traits. The cultivars with strong anti-freezing and drought-resistance traits have small and thin lenticels on their branches, a small total area of ​​lenticels, and a well-developed stratum corneum. Generally, the hybrid hazelnuts are stronger than the hazelnuts, and the hybrid hazelnuts such as Pingdinghuang and Dawei have strong anti-drawability, and the drawstring phenomenon is very few. In addition, related to the state of the tree branches before they pass winter, the new shoots grow well in the early period, and the growth is completed in a timely manner in the later period, and the cold-resistance exercise is performed before the winter, and the natural leaf fall, and the branches are full, the draw phenomenon is less. On the contrary, if the cold resistance is poor, the pumping phenomenon will be serious.

2. Prevention measures

1 Adopt comprehensive technical measures to promote spurs and enhance wintering. The emphasis is on promoting normal growth in the early stages and stopping the growth in time in the later stages. Strictly control the moisture in autumn, drain too much water. In the late stage, no N fertilizer was applied and P and K fertilizers were applied. This method can reduce overwintering trees.

2 Spray antifreeze in early spring. The spraying of antifreeze on the tree canopy is generally sprayed from late February to March 1 in Liaoning Province, which can effectively prevent or reduce the evaporation of water from the tree and reduce the pumping.

(c) Frost

1. Frost Performance and Cause

Hazel trees in the growing season due to rapid cooling, condensation of water vapor into the frost and make the tree young part of the frozen, called the frost. For the hazel tree, the earlier frost in the northern region is more harmful. In the spring, as the temperature rises, the hazel tree is released from dormancy and enters the growing season. The female flower blooms early and is vulnerable to frost. In the middle and late March of the Dalian area, the Shenyang area From late March to early April, female flowers bloom. At this time, it is frost-frozen. Low temperatures below 0°C can make female stigma darker, stop stretching, and cannot be pollinated and fertilized. When the buds are frosted, the tender leaves turn brown, affecting tree development and current year production. The occurrence of frost is closely related to external conditions. Frost is heavier where cold air tends to accumulate, and frost is lighter where air circulates. Humidity can dampen temperature changes, reduce frost damage, and the temperature rises slowly. Plant damage is light and the tree can recover. If the temperature suddenly rises, it will increase the damage.

2. Preventive measures

(1) When selecting a construction site for hazel orchard, avoid the frequent occurrence of frosty areas and the selection of female flowering and late flowering varieties.

(2) Delaying germination and flowering time can reduce the degree of frost damage. The following measures can be taken.

1 Spring water spray, irrigation multiple times, can reduce the soil temperature, delay flowering, irrigation 2 to 3 times before flowering, can delay flowering 2 to 3 days. Continuous water spray can delay 7-8 days of flowering.

2 White coats of main stems in spring can reduce the absorption of solar thermal energy, extend flowering for 3 to 5 days, or spray the canopy with 7% to 10% lime, and the flowering period can also be extended for 3 to 5 days.

(3) In the flowering season in spring, we must always listen to the weather forecast. Once the frost is forecasted, we must prepare in time and smoke in the hazel garden. Smoke is flammable with hay, shavings, stalks, etc., stacked with moist leaves, grass roots, sawdust and other layers, covered with a layer of soil outside, and the middle of the rod inserted in order to facilitate ignition and smoke , smoking heap is not higher than lm. Smoke stacks are distributed around and inside the hazelnut garden. According to weather forecasts, on frosty nights, fumes can be ignited when the temperature drops to 5°C. Formulated anti-frost aerosols can also be used to prevent frost, which works well. The formulation of aerosols is: 20% ammonium nitrate, 70% sawdust, 10% waste diesel. The amine nitrate is grinded and the sawdust is sifted. The finer the sawdust is, the thicker the smoke is, and the longer the smoke is released. Before the frost comes, the ingredients are mixed into the iron drum or the paper drum in proportion, and the medicine is placed according to the wind direction, and it can be ignited before the frost falls. The temperature can be increased by 1° C. to 1.5° C., and the smoke is maintained for about 1 h.

(4) Strengthen the comprehensive management of hazelnuts and increase tree vigor, which can improve anti-frost capabilities.

(d) Harmful damage

Hazel tree is a shallow root tree species, not only resistant to drought, but also afraid of water fleas, long-term accumulation of water in the tree plate, making the roots difficult to breathe, and thus stunted, especially young trees as the most, the light can lead to the future life of the tree Poor development, severe disease can lead to plant death.

Flood prevention measures:

1 When choosing a site for the construction of a garden, pay attention to the well-drained plots and soil.

2 Drain the water in the rainy season to avoid water accumulation in the tree tray.

8 When planting a hazel tree on a poorly-drained hazel orchard, plant a tree line to build Taichung, 20 to 25 cm high in Taichung, and dig a drainage ditch between the rows.

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