Identification of male and female ducklings

First, the appearance of the identification method 1. According to body size to distinguish between big head, body round, tail tip, usually male ducklings; head small, flat body, tail spread, generally female ducklings. 2. According to observation of nostrils, etc. 1 The nostrils are narrow, narrow and small. The line of ducks along the mouth is a male duckling; on the contrary, the nostrils are large, and the round ones are female ducks. 2) The nasal base is soft and flat, and the ducks are flat and undulating; on the contrary, the nasal base is rough and the flat lines are obviously undulating as male ducklings. 3 Turn the duckling upside-down so that its abdomen is overturned. Look at the edge of its lower euphorbia. It is half-moon-shaped or slightly flat and neat. It is a female duckling. If it is sharp and sharp, it is a male duckling. When the above three aspects are applied together, the accuracy rate will be higher. Second, the action identification method Male and female ducklings have different responses to environmental conditions. If the ducklings are placed in a bamboo basket, if they can jump out of the basket, they will be female ducklings; if they are not moving inside, they will move closer to each other. Together with the male ducklings.

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