Cultivation of petunias

During the cultivation of petunias, the pH of the matrix is ​​a critical factor both during the sowing and growth stages. If there is a phenomenon of mosaicism on the leaves of petunia hybrids, it is likely that the pH value of the substrate is higher than 6.8, resulting in iron deficiency in the plants. In this case, ferrous sulfate can be poured to lower the pH of the matrix. After washing the substrate with ferrous sulfate, rinse the Petunia leaves with water. Conversely, if yellow-brown or tan spots appear on the leaves of petunia, it is likely that the pH of the substrate is too low, causing the plants to appear toxic due to iron or magnesium. When the pH of the substrate is below 5.5, it can be watered with water-soluble lime water.

If the pH value of the matrix is ​​high and the boron element is insufficient, the petunias will appear distorted leaves, dead spots of growth, and a large number of lateral branches below the meristem. In the growth process of petunia, it is appropriate to control the pH of the substrate at 5.5-6.3. If necessary, boron fertilizer should be added. During the growth stage, boron fertilizer can be applied 1 or 2 times.

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