Biogas slurry is good

With the implementation of the national ecological home construction project, the construction of biogas digesters in counties in Chengde has developed rapidly. Biogas digester, a by-product of biogas digesters, is a relatively complete feed additive and is very good for feeding chickens. It contains trace elements such as copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, and zinc. It also contains lysine, tryptophan, cobalt acid, niacin, riboflavin, and their derivatives. In addition, there are many types and quantities of bacteria in biogas. The community has a strong ability to reproduce, produce a large number of bacterial proteins in the metabolism, so that the effective nutrition of biogas slurry is very rich.

[breeding method]

1. When the chicken grows to more than 0.3 kg live weight, it can be fed with biogas slurry. General feed can be mixed. Biomass requirements mix, the amount of mix to quit dry is not appropriate.

2. Take biogas slurry from the biogas digester outlet to take fresh biogas slurry from the middle layer. Take the foam on the surface of the biogas slurry before taking it, take the middle serum, filter it through the gauze, and stir it in the chicken food.

3. Biogas digesters that have been used for normal fermentation of biogas production and have been used for more than 3 months can be extracted. No gas pool or diseased pool must be taken for liquid feeding.

4. The amount of biogas slurry should be appropriate. If the biogas slurry volume and feed volume are greater than 1:1, the chicken will experience diarrhea.

[breeding effect]

The amino acids, trace elements and other active substances contained in the biogas slurry can effectively stimulate the ovulation function of the hen's ovary and increase the ability to lay eggs.

1. Hens reared with biogas slurry are laid 20 days ahead of schedule. The laying hens are extended by about 50 days compared to the control chickens. The average egg production period is 250 days. The hens fed on a single feed have an average annual egg production rate. The period is 200 days. The former produces 25% more eggs than the latter.

2. Eggs produced from chickens fed with biogas slurry are weighed at an average of 46.7 grams per egg. Eggs produced from chickens fed on a single feed average only 39.6 grams per egg. The former is heavier than the latter. The rate is 17.9% higher. Feeding a hen with biogas slurry can increase income by more than 15 yuan a year.

3. Feed the chickens with biogas slurry. The average weight of the chickens is 1.8 kg within 10 months, instead of feeding chickens with biogas slurry, the average weight is 1.4 kg. The former is 28.75% higher than the latter.

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