Spring weight loss drink tea to lose weight homemade health tea

It is believed that many women have started to build their own weight loss plans for the Spring Festival. They plan to throw off the fat from the winter season before they put on a beautiful dress. Below, Xiao Bian recommends TCM slimming tea for you. You can choose the Chinese medicine diet formula that suits you according to your physical fitness and achieve healthy slimming by drinking slimming tea.


Chrysanthemum tea - the most convenient drink for clearing fire and losing weight

Ingredients: Several dried chrysanthemums.

Practice: Brew directly with hot water.

Efficacy: Qingshu fever detoxification, eliminate fat, lower blood pressure.

Oolong tea - dry stools and drink oolong tea has a laxative effect

Raw materials: oolong tea

Practice: simply flush with boiling water.

Efficacy: to help digestion, to remove phlegm, greasy toxic, Cellulite.

Hawthorn tea - hawthorn tea is more suitable for obese people who like to eat meat

Raw materials: Hawthorn 10 grams.

Practice: boiling with water.

Efficacy: It can eliminate grease, help excrete body wastes, and disperse silt.

Barley malt tea - good for bloating and bloating

Raw materials: Fried malt 5 money, hawthorn 5 points.

Practice: add ice sugar water brewed into tea.

Efficacy: Appetizing spleen, and in the lower gas, digestion and swelling.

Lemon Tea - Cellulite, Greasy, Whiten Skin

Ingredients: Lemon slices.

Practice: squeeze lemon juice, reconstitute with warm water, add appropriate amount of honey.

Efficacy: Reduce fat, help digestion, whiten skin, moisturize the lungs.

Pu'er Tea - Food in the stomach is not available, and fat, sugar are not properly consumed

Raw materials: Pu'er tea, dried chrysanthemum 5 flowers.

Practice: hot water brewing.

Efficacy: to help digestion, eliminate fats.

Lotus leaf tea - diuretic laxative, constipation prevention, cellulite slimming

Raw materials: 5 grams of lotus leaf, 3 roses.

Practice: Brew with boiling water.

Efficacy: Cellulite diuresis, constipation treatment, elimination of edema, clear hair growth

Tangerine tea - anti-cellulite solution tired, conditioning stomach

Raw materials: orange peel 5 grams.

Practice: boiling water can be.

Effect: Lead stagnation and elimination of product, soothe the liver and spleen.