What is the best fruit in spring to lose weight?

With the arrival of spring, many people began to lose weight in this season, to meet the upcoming summer, fruit weight loss can effectively reduce weight and improve the skin, can be described as two birds, the following will give you a presentation of fruit meal diet recipes.

In fact, there is only one meal a day to eat only fruits, but also to achieve unexpected people's weight loss, let us look at what to eat to lose weight!


1. In addition to being rich in vitamin C, E, and K, tomatoes are particularly outstanding because of the lycopene it contains. It is also an antioxidant, and it is also used as a good food for slimming fruit meals.

II. Apple is rich in vitamins, minerals, fruit acids and cellulose, which not only has the function of clearing the bowels and detoxifying the stomach. Can also help the body lower cholesterol, but also can change the skin condition.

3. Lemon is warm and can be eaten throughout the year. Lemon contains citric acid, malic acid and other organic acids, also contains vitamins C, B1, B2 and niacin, type, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients, lemon contains many substances, after a reasonable deployment, for weight loss They are all very effective, and using lemon juice is most practical.

4. Bananas contain a lot of cellulose, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. The effectiveness of banana laxatives is familiar to everyone. If you eat one or two bananas a day, you can excrete toxins from your body, and you can lose weight. But bananas are only suitable for summer, because bananas belong to cold foods. People with weak cold weather and eating will have negative effects on the body.

V. Pears and apples are similar, pears have a strong digestive tract cleaning function. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals, and cellulose. It is also a great beauty fruit. It is an essential ingredient in antioxidant and skin care. Pear is also a slim, low-calorie fruit.

6. Strawberries are also the fruit with the highest vitamin content, especially the calcium that is required to contain human bones and teeth. The juice that is squeezed together with fresh milk not only has good taste, but also has the effect of reducing weight and whitening the skin.

7. Kiwifruit is known as the king of fruit. Not only rich in vitamin C, but also to prevent constipation, help digestion, but also beautify the skin, but also belong to cold food, according to their own physical choice.

8. Watermelon has good health effects on the human digestive tract. At the same time rich in minerals, especially potassium, cool watermelon is a good bowel refreshing food, is a cold food, the best winter does not eat.

9. Papaya is one of the most wonderful tropical fruits. Papaya contains a lot of carotene, digestive enzymes, a lot of fiber vitamin c and a variety of vitamins. Papaya can be eaten raw and cooked, but also the beauty of weight loss.

X. Pineapple not only contains vitamins, minerals, but also contains a special alkaline material - bromelain, which is very beneficial to the human digestive system.

Note: Do not eat dried fruit when eating fresh fruits. After any food removes water, the heat will increase. With the same calorie intake, the weight of fresh fruit is greater, which is more conducive to weight loss.