Onion and garlic storage technology

1. Choosing appropriate harvesting time should be on the near-ground leaves withered yellow, pseudo-stem lodging, bulb epidermis dry, showing a special color when the harvest; garlic should generally be harvested 20-30 days after the harvest. 2. The onions and garlic that are aired and selected for packaging should be fully air-dried in a ventilated and sunny place. Mechanical injuries, pests and diseases, poorly-developed onions and garlic should be removed, and the stems should be decanted and stored. Garlic and onion heads are stored in baskets or net bags for storage. 3. Disinfection of onions and garlic in the warehouse before storage The warehouse shall be thoroughly cleaned before storage. There is a warehouse fumigant for fumigation treatment. In the application, the CT-high-efficiency warehouse disinfectant shall be applied at the rate of 3-5 g/m3, with multiple spots. In the library, a large amount of smoke was emitted after the cigarette was lighted with matches, and doors and windows were closed for 4 hours. 4. The storage temperature of the storage head and onion before storage should be reduced to about -1 °C, and the storage volume should not be too large every day. The storage capacity should be 10% to 20%, and ventilation should be reserved when stacking. After fumigation, fumigation with fruit and vegetable fumigants can prevent rot during storage. In the course of storage, the onion requires the storage temperature to be kept at 0°C and 0.5°C. The garlic requires the storage temperature to be kept at -2.5°C and 0.5°C, and the relative humidity should be maintained at 70% to 75%. The warehouse is often ventilated. If the humidity in the warehouse is high, besides the selection In addition to sunny ventilation, lime powder can be sprinkled on the ground.

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