Crop stalk cultivation and breeding technology

First, the technical characteristics of straw cultivating 1, this is a small investment risk-free technology. With this method, no need to build a factory building, do not need to purchase equipment, do not need to occupy a lot of land to dry the straw, as long as the straw is piled in the courtyard of the village and the farmland at the edge of the ground, this work can be carried out. 2, the method is simple and easy to operate. Straw does not have to be crushed, and regardless of whether it is dry or wet or poisonous, as long as the straw is piled and sprinkled with water, it can be placed into the seedlings used to treat the straw. 3, less investment, generous returns. The purchase of a kilogram of seedlings can convert 2,000 square meters of crop straw produced in a year into nearly 100 pounds of fresh bamboo. Moreover, 600 kg of earthworm feces are produced, and earthworm feces is the king of organic fertilizer. The excrement can produce "green food" and organic food, planting flowers and so on. 4. There is a habit of eating from the top to the bottom. After the seedlings were put into the straw pile, the upper layer of Daiwan Wangtian first formed a layer of earthworm excrement. These feces have a stronger deodorizing function than activated charcoal and can absorb and transform harmful gases generated after stacking straw to prevent environmental pollution. Second, the role and use 1, plant straw and debris is the source of disease in the coming year. When the straw is used for raising earthworms, due to the action of various microorganisms, the stack temperature increases rapidly and can reach a high temperature of 80° C. Most of the pests on the straw are killed. Wolfberry is a live, long-lasting insecticide with no side effects. The maggots continuously devour crop stalks and discharge small particles of gray and black feces. These small granules are loose and porous, have good air permeability, strong water retention, and strong pressure resistance, and are very good quality organic fertilizers. In 2001, it was tested by the Beijing vegetable Testing and Testing Center. The pH of the manure was about 7 and the content of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium was high. It contained 10.5% of humic acid, and the organic matter was as high as 20%. It also contained 17 kinds of amino acids and trace amounts. element. As manure promotes the growth of crops, aerobic microorganisms multiply on them, accelerating the degradation of pesticide residues in the straw and in the soil. Each manure excrement is actually a small reservoir and is a plant nutrition that is readily available. The small nutrition library is also a soil disinfection pill. Therefore, people call it a natural soil purifier. It is estimated that the straw produced by 2000 square meters of farmland will be converted into oysters, and the maggots and their feces will be applied to a standard solar greenhouse. The cultivating layer above 15 cm in the shed can be purified once a year. Manure is a very good organic fertilizer. 2. Cockroaches are high quality protein feeds for livestock and aquaculture. Because the quail grows rapidly, the body cavity is small, the body wall is thick and the meat rate is high, and the nutrition of the meat is high and full. According to the determination of its dry body crude protein content of more than 60%, fresh body containing protein about 10%. In addition, it also contains fat 2.1%, calcium 0.15%. Contains 9 amino acids necessary for animals and contains many trace elements and vitamins. Nowadays, there are many places where quail is used as animal protein feed to feed poultry, frogs, and Other animals; it is also possible to feed crickets, turtles and scorpions. 3, using wolfberry as a raw material for pharmaceuticals. From the body can extract "lumokinase" treatment of ischemic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, a number of pharmaceutical companies in China have mass production. With the gradual improvement of people's quality of life requirements, there are foreign health products that use wolfberry as a raw material to regulate the body, lower blood pressure, prevent nerve pain, and cosmetics that whiten, emollient, remove plaque, and remove dandruff and itching. 4, can eat. In the country due to habits and psychological factors, people do not like to eat. However, in the United States, Western Europe, Japan, etc., eating oysters has become a fashionable thing. In recent years, the turnover in the international market has risen by 20%. In 2000, the trade volume has reached more than 2 billion US dollars. After nearly six years of research and experiments, we have selected, domesticated, and cultivated from a few dozen varieties of alfalfa a variety of crop straws with strong adaptability, good settlement performance, large food intake, fast growth, and high reproductive rate. "Nong 6" glutinous rice varieties. China Agricultural Network Editor



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