Rape fertilization three bogey

The avoidance of acupuncture points and fertilization point fertilizers can easily cause excessive local fertilizer concentrations, resulting in the roots can not be uniformly absorbed, and even cause rape poisoning, burning roots, affecting growth, especially the application of Ammonium Bicarbonate. Therefore, rapeseed fertilization is best applied in the ditch between rows, generally with a ditch depth of 10 cm and a width of 20 cm. Avoiding Miao Fei's late application, some farmers tend to apply some farmyard fertilizer for Miaofei two months after transplanting live plants. Actually, rapeseed is now required to absorb more nutrients from Daejeon. At this time, if nutrients cannot keep up, it will affect the growth of rapeseed and even cause “stiff seedlings”. Therefore, when transplanting rapeseed, it is necessary to use rare human urine to cast rapeseed to set the root water; After the live tree, use 5 to 10 tons of human excrement, add 2 to 3 kg of urea, and pour 20 to 30 tons of water. To benefit strong seedlings. Do not ignore the boron fertilizer application of rape is more sensitive to the reaction of boron, boron deficiency can cause physiological diseases, poor root development, only flowering is not strong or the grain is not full. Generally 0.2-0.3 kg of borax is used as base fertilizer. At the same time, boron fertilizer was sprayed once at the seedling stage, bud stage and flowering stage of rape, and 50 grams of borax was used to spray 50 kilograms of water each time.

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