Gas conditioning technology in winter greenhouses

Ventilation, ventilation, supplemental oxygen should pay attention to the length of ventilation and weather conditions, must not affect the seedlings within the greenhouse; to ensure that there is a certain amount of oxygen in the soil, in order to enhance the respiration of roots and promote the growth of aboveground plants. The specific measures are timely cultivating loose soil and applying more organic fertilizer or granular fertilizer. In addition, timely cultivating after irrigation is also an effective way to regulate the oxygen content in the soil. Increasing carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide can increase the intensity of photosynthesis in plants, and it is conducive to early maturation and high yield of crops, increase sugar content, and improve quality. The method of adding carbon dioxide: First, ventilation; Second, increase organic fertilizer. The addition of organic fertilizers can increase the nutrient content of the soil and increase the carbon dioxide content in the greenhouse. The third is burning with coal and other fuels. This method is economic and simple, but also can increase the temperature inside the booth. In order to avoid the generation of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide during combustion, the coal-fired heating flue shall be open and the smoke windows shall be outdoors. If the open flame is heated, high-quality coal (preferably desulfurized coal) shall be selected and the coal must be burned. Then move into the shed. Warm up at night, ventilation in the morning. Avoid hazards of ammonia gas and nitric acid gas The hazards of ammonia gas and nitric acid gas often occur in greenhouses, mainly due to the use of chemical fertilizers such as solid urea, ammonium bicarbonate, and ammonium sulfate, which are banned in greenhouses, or a large amount of non-perishable manure. , human waste, chicken manure and other organic fertilizers. Therefore, when fertilizing in greenhouses, organic fertilizers must be thoroughly and fully decomposed. When applying nitrogen fertilizers, it is important to pay attention to the quality and dosage of fertilizers. It is better to use less or no urea fertilizer. When applying chemical fertilizers, we must adhere to the principle of less application and diligence. It is best to apply them in combination with phosphorus and potash, and to timely cover soil and irrigation and ventilation. Selection of safe plastic film The main components of the agricultural plastic film are ethylene vinyl and polyvinyl chloride. These two components are not toxic to vegetables, but the plasticizer (diisobutyl phthalate) or stabilizer used therein will produce harmful gas. In order to avoid the harmful effects of harmful gases generated by plastic film on vegetables, safe and non-toxic should first be selected in the selection of plastic film. At the same time, the pipes for watering should also be non-toxic, and plastic pipes and other plastic products should not be stacked in the shed. . If a toxic plastic film is used, it should be kept in the air for a period of time. If there is a danger, ventilation should be strengthened. When the temperature is high enough during the day, the film will be fully opened and covered at night.

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