The breeding technology of fragrant flowers

Fragrant mandarin ducks, aliased as precious trees, are rare and precious summer and autumn powder sources that have both ornamental, green, sand-fixing and soil-preservation. They have developed rapidly since they were introduced in Spain for several years. 1 Botanical characteristics The fragrant flowers are butterfly flowers and leguminous trees. The height of the tree is 10 to 12 meters. The trunks are straight and straight, and the branches are long and bark. The bark is brown to brown. Leaves alternate, 17 to 19, pinnate, elliptic to ovoid, smooth foliage, bright green, larger than the Locust leaves. From May to August, flowering occurs in southern China in spring, summer and autumn. Inflorescences axillary, densely arranged racemes, drooping, length 8 ~ 12cm, flower size of nearly 10cm. With large flowers, beautiful flowers, long flowering periods, plenty of flowers, pleasant aromas, and rich powder, it is a high-quality source of honey for apiculture. 2 Biological characteristics The fragrant flowers love the good environment with plenty of sunshine and air circulation, but they are also resistant to the extreme cold of -25 to -28°C. In addition to Heilongjiang, the waters from the coastal plain to the mountain at an altitude of 2100m, regardless of the neutral soil, acidity Soil or light alkaline soil grows well. From its adaptability, susceptibility to growth (both roots and shoots can be propagated), fast-growing (up to 2m seedlings of the year), regenerative (planting seedlings in the first year, multiple seedlings in the following year), and The economic and ecological values ​​of high quality powder source, ornamental, greening, sand fixation, and soil conservation determine its broad development prospects. 3 Breeding techniques Fragrant flowers are not true, no seeds are available for breeding, and they can only reproduce asexually by burying roots, cuttings, or grafting. 3.1 Buried root breeding This is the most important breeding method. The survival rate is 85% to 90%. 3.1.1 After planting species of scented ash, it is possible to introduce seedling roots after defoliation. Before planting, sand plants should be buried and preserved. Grasping the moisture content of the sandy soil should not allow the dehydration and dehydration of the roots, and it must not cause too much water and mold and rot. 3.1.2 Soil-cultivation sites are selected sandy loam with deep soil, flat terrain, convenient drainage and irrigation, and no pest transmission source. 3.1.3 Seedlings grow in the middle of March in the south, and in late March and late April in the north. Choose 1 to 2 years old, diameter of 5 ~ 10mm, no pests and smooth roots, cut into 5 ~ 7cm long spare. After the ditch is opened, the distance between the ditch is 50cm and the depth is 5cm. Then, the root segment is laid horizontally in the ditch with a spacing of 30cm, covered with fine sandy soil, drenched with fixed root water, covered with plastic film, and the seedlings can emerge in about 1 month. 3.1.4 The seedlings shall be uncovered and watered in time after the emergence of seedlings. In case of continuous rain, attention shall be paid to drainage. During the seedling period, weeding should be done in time to eliminate lateral buds, loose loose topsoil, and not to injure tender and short roots. Timely prevention and control of pests and diseases; appropriate amount of fertilization, drought and dredging water will be applied to catch fertilizer, promote seedling and strong. 3.1.5 Transplantation and Management Seedlings should be planted before budding at the end of autumn or in the spring of next year. According to the plan, acupuncture, fertilization, soil compaction after planting, watering through the rooting water, the survival rate is generally more than 95%. After the fall, the height of the tree can reach 2 to 3m, the diameter at breast height of 3 to 5cm, and flowering at the second year. The fragrant calyx trunks are tall and straight, with a canopy opening, beautiful trees, beautiful flowers, and aromas. After forest management, the management is simple and the production cost is very low. 3.2 Branch cutting 3.2.1 Cutting time is the same as that of buried seedlings, or earlier. 3.2.2 Select lignified hardwoods of 8 to 20 mm in diameter and cut them into 15 cm long cuttings; the upper cuts are cut flat, 1 to 2 cm from the ladle, the lower incision is 45 oblique, and the buds are 5 mm away. 50 roots are 1 bale; soak the lower end with 50mg/kg rooting powder solution (it can also be treated with “920” root dip) for 3-4 hours, remove and use. 3.2.3 The site preparation requirements were the same as before. According to the 2040cm strain and row spacing, the shoots were inserted into the soil at a 45-degree angle to cover the mulch. 3.2.4 Immediately after emergence, perforate, plant seedlings, and seal soil to maintain the temperature and humidity of bed soil; remove plastic film before high temperature, wipe off lateral buds, strengthen fertilizer and water management, and the cutting seedlings can grow to more than 2m in the year.

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