Detoxification of cottonseed cake and production of high protein feed

First, the production of high-protein feed by biological fermentation using microbial fermentation degradation, not only can make gossypol in cottonseed cake decompose into non-toxic components, so that the decomposition of cellulose in the cake into valuable bacterial protein, but also increase the number of microorganisms Metabolic byproducts such as vitamin B2, vitamin B6, niacin, pantothenic acid, inositol, vitamin K, amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, etc. Therefore, the fermented and detoxified cottonseed cake has become a nutrient-rich high protein feed. Production method: first add the cotton cake into the slurry with 2 times the amount of water, and then add it to the microbial culture solution (the culture solution is obtained from the gastric juice of the ruminant), and add a trace amount of cysteine ​​hydrochloride or The sodium thioglycolate salt was used as a reducing agent and was incubated in an anaerobic environment at 40 to 43°C for several hours and then dried at 43°C to prepare a cake-like mass (culture). Then take 1,000 parts of cottonseed cake, add appropriate amount of fresh water to make a paste, add 10 parts of microbial culture solution, stir well, add 100 parts of culture and 1/10 parts of cysteine ​​hydrochloride, stir well, Incubate for 48 hours at a temperature of 40°C. After drying, press it into a cake. According to the determination, this method can reduce the gossypol content of pressed cotton seed cake from 0.065% to 0.02% to 0.03%. Microbial cake detoxifier fermentation. The method is: press 50% of the weight of cotton cake plus fresh water and wet, then add a small amount of cornmeal, wheat bran as a fermentation aid, and then add 0.1% of the weight of the cotton cake to the microbial cotton cake detoxifier. The fermentation is accumulated in the cylinder or on the cement floor. After 3 to 5 days, some grayish hyphae grow on the cotton cake, and when the sweet, fragrant, acid, and alcoholic flavors are emitted, it means that the fermentation has been completed and the feeding animal can be taken out. birds.

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Huayi Foodstuff Co., Ltd. ,