Chinese Green Tea Processing Process

Green tea is made of unfermented leaves and reportedly contains polyphenols, polyphenols is the highest concentration of powerful antioxidants.Green tea has tender and lasting aroma; mellow, fresh and brisk tasting. It mainly has the following three steps: Fixing – Rolling (Rounian) – Drying 1.After fresh tea leaves are picked up from tea garden, it should be thinly spread for 2-3 hours (depend on different teas) in order to reduce the water content. 2.Select: This processing remove yellow leaves and other debris. Fixing (Steamed or Pan Fried) Fixing is the crucial technique for quality,it has two purpose: To get the proper color, smell and taste of Green Tea by completely destroying the activity of enzymes in fresh leaves and stop the enzymatic oxidation of polyphenols; To steam the water in the fresh leaves, make the leaves soft, and enhance toughness, to make rolling processing easier. Rolling Rolling is to make the shape tight,to make the drying processing easier. Also it can destruct leaf tissue to make better quality for easy brewing out the tea liquor. Drying The drying processing is to improve its appearance,stabilize tea quality. After the above processing steps. A cup of lasting aroma,mellow,fresh and brisk tasting green tea can be brewed. More articles How to brew Chinese Green Tea